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  • S
    sage68 replied to the thread Elk Creek Update.
    Sure thing!
  • T
    ThunderJetJunkie replied to the thread Elk Creek Update.
    Thanks Sage68 for the info.
  • S
    sage68 replied to the thread Elk Creek Update.
    totally open! I was up at Pine last Sunday and it looked like the ice was off where the "narrows" open up towards the dam. From the dam...
  • T
    ThunderJetJunkie replied to the thread Elk Creek Update.
    Hey Sage68, was the water open down by the damn? I called the Cafe in pine last weekend and they said the north end of the reservior was...
  • S
    Went up to Elk Creek ramp yesterday, there is still a substantial amount of snow, about 2 1/2-3 ft in the parking area, not sure how...
  • formulaben
    formulaben reacted to Cybersnow's post in the thread Spirit Lures? with Like Like.
    It is a small world! I worked at McClellan from 1988-1997 as a DoD civilian on the Advanced Tactical Fighter program which became the...
  • Bduck
    Breakfast for champs, I enjoy a good sausage gravy over biscuits.
  • A
    Those biscuits and gravy look tasty. I'll have to plan to give them a try.
  • Cybersnow
    Cybersnow replied to the thread Spirit Lures?.
    As an engineer, they moved me all around. Ended up being the first flight chief engineer for a number of years. Then to DC on the F-35...
  • Bduck
    Bduck replied to the thread Spirit Lures?.
    We probably crossed paths a time or 2 at McClellan. I worked in aircraft engine test and engine shop from 1982-1997 testing F111, A10...
  • Cybersnow
    Cybersnow replied to the thread Spirit Lures?.
    It is a small world! I worked at McClellan from 1988-1997 as a DoD civilian on the Advanced Tactical Fighter program which became the...
  • Bduck
    Bduck replied to the thread Spirit Lures?.
    I worked on all variant models of the F111 for over 15yrs at McClellan AFB, Sacramento as a DOD civilian. The Aussies flew the F111C for...
  • Cybersnow
    Cybersnow replied to the thread Meal worms for Kokanee.
    I did find some fake maggots at our little sporting goods section in the local grocery store.
  • Cybersnow
    Cybersnow replied to the thread Spirit Lures?.
    What a bummer! If you get over to Idaho, I will take you out! Oh is that a picture of a pm F111? I think the Aussies are still flying...
  • Bduck
    Bduck replied to the thread Spirit Lures?.
    I now have 2 separate appts for full knee replacement for bone-on-bone grinding. The procedure going to be used is Jiffy knee which is...