Scent Shelf Life...

Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Sep 26, 2008
Central Oregon
I have read in the past that it's important to clean the scent off of lures and dodgers because of the scent supposedly going stale. I clean them up after use, mainly to keep the tackle in good shape, and to hide the previous scent when another is applied. Do scents go stale, is there a shelf life? Having around 12 different pro-cure scents on the boat that are a few years old, I usually throw a rag over them to keep them out of direct sunlight. If they are stored in a cool place, do they ever go bad?
i've never had a problem with my scents going bad. Just be sureto keep the caps closed tightly. Also I agree with petty about cleaning the lures off after a fishing trip.
As I recall from Pro-Cure they will tell you they do not have a shelf life except maybe for a few products possibly. With this said though I have heard the recommendation and know those that refrigerate them to extend their "freshness". My wife has opposed this thinking until I get my own fridge which I am overdue to look into it.

From a personal perspective I think you that if you have constantly exposed your oils and gels to a lot of excessive heat (ie. in your boat full time in a box all summer long) then you should think about getting news ones after a couple of years maximum. If you buy a fresh threadfin shad gel for example and compare the smell between that and your older bottle you will smell a difference.

With the newer Pro-Cure versions within the last year and a half or so you'll get the added advantage of the UV sparkles and potion added to the products. When you buy new ones try to pay attention whether you are buying the newer product (it has newer looking label with UV mentioned) instead of buying older stock.

i found some cleaning wipes at that ive whip all my lures off with and they seam to work great

Whipping your lures! That's talk for a private section of the board I think. tongue2. Sorry Jason - I couldn't resist.

But seriously I do use these wipes too since they are anise flavored / scented and Kokanee love anise as we know. So analytically they are definitely good for:

1. Masking your human scent - especially prior to rigging all your lines.
2. Cleaning your lures after fishing or even during your trip
3. And most importantly for you married guys - saving your marriage by cleaning up after you fillet / clean your Kokes at home or wherever. They will cut right through the fishy smell. The joke around our house is we should call them "Marriage wipes" while I dub them "Kokanee wipes".


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