I have found them at "Walmart" and "Sportsmans Warehouse". Yes they can be used with trolling gear. The package recommends you slip your line down through the top, then out of the bottom through a small bead (included) and tie off onto a snap swivel. Then you hook your favorite trolling rig onto that. In tournament fishing where time is the one thing you don't have enough of, they are a pain to deal with. I use alot of "hootchie rigs" and don't like putting scent on my squids (it makes'em brittle). To combat that, I will pre-tie the scent dispensor onto a section wire spinner rigs then I can change them out fast and easy. I use them to identify the "flavor of the day", because of their small size they don't hold alot of scent unlike the pro-cure scent holders which hold a lot. I will run a different scent on each line until I figure out the "flavor of the day". When I find the "active" or "hot" scent, I will then put the pro-cure scent holder, filled with the hot pro-cure scent then run it. If you use planner boards or outriggers the berkeleys are perfect.