Sooo Many Variables

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Mar 4, 2009
Salem Oregon
I think that the conventional wisdom says that if you are marking fish, and after 15-20 minutes you are not getting any hits, then you need to make a change in your rig. I agree, why tow around something that is not working. But there in lays my problem.....What do you change?:confused:

Lets say for the sake of argument you are using the correct colors for the depth and take that out of the equation.

You are rigged with a dodger, a lure and plain corn or if you can't use corn just the bare lure. Which would you change FIRST to trigger a response? Would you change to a scented corn first or add a scent? Change lures? Change dodgers?

If your tackle box is anything like mine it is full of options, all have been successful at one time or another or they would not have earned a ride in the boat.

Let's limit this to you are the only one in the boat. I realize that if there are 3 or 4 it is much easier to zero in on what is working.
If im using something that has work recently,I will change the speed.I have changed .2-.3mph and it has turned a slow day into a great day. Then the lenght of the leader.If that dont work I change everything. If I was using a 8" flasher I will go to a 4" or I will go to a dodger.
Try adjusting your depth a bit, and more pronounced "s" turns. Also, as allready mentioned, change your speed ...slow down and speed up a bit to trigger a strike. I really think color change needs to be back in the equation also. Alot of times even though your useing the correct color for the depth your fishing, sometimes they want something different. Usually for me it's either a change in action (speed change and turns) or a change of color that gets them going again. Also, try out a short set back with ball trolls, and if that's not producing, take off the trolls and use a longer set back. As far as corn goes, switch from plain to pink once in a while.