Double Hook Rigging...

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Sep 26, 2008
Central Oregon
Full Monte asked me question about double hook placement after checking out this web site I posted earlier... (click on "rigging" for... "deadly hootchie rigging secrets") I got to thinking is there a right way and wrong way to rig the double hooks? I've read alot of differing views on how they should be rigged, and wondered how you rig yours. I've seen the hooks going in the same direction, opposite of each other, and at a 45 degree angle. I rig mine going in the same direction thinking that since the fish usually are on the first hook, the stinger has a better chance of doing it's job if it's going in the same direction. What do you do and why?
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I point mine in the same direction because that's what all you experts told me to do.tooexcited That's assuming I can get them to cooperate when I cinch them down....
When I rig mine, I just accept any direction the hooks are pointing. I don't have to worry about red hooks. I leave enough blood behind to color them for me. :rolleyes:
When assembling them (double snell) they line up in the same direction, but when I cinch the knot it seems the second hook always goes the opposite direction. I have come to like this set up though! thumbsup

when I rig mine I try to have the hooks facing the same direction with about a inch of spacing ; this seams to work out prety good
I tie mine the same way that justfish does. Course now-I just buy them pre-tied by Crystal Basin through Kokanee Mart.
I've tried pointing the hooks different ways when fishing for marlin, tuna, etc. in Baja. Don't know why, but it seems down there that facing the same way gives the most success.
Both of mine point down. That is just the way I have always done it. I'll have to try the trailer pointing up to see if it will stick in the roof of the mouth.
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Don't let the fish bit back, care should be used when unhooking a tandem hook set-up. One time while trolling for browns with heaver gear I hooked a really nice bull kokanee on a rapala. I reeled him in an proceeded to take the hooks out and you know the rest, kokanee revenge. The more I struggled, the more he struggled the deeper the hook went. I ended up standing on the fish waiting for him to die, no more shaking. Got the fish off, now just the lure in my thumb real bad. Played with it for a while, this is going to look funny driving back to town with a rapala sticking out of my thumb and miss all this fishing!!! Should I give a yank? dang, played withit somemore and finally came out, so be carful!! fish on crjahn
Don't let the fish bit back, care should be used when unhooking a tandem hook set-up. One time while trolling for browns with heaver gear I hooked a really nice bull kokanee on a rapala. I reeled him in an proceeded to take the hooks out and you know the rest, kokanee revenge. The more I struggled, the more he struggled the deeper the hook went. I ended up standing on the fish waiting for him to die, no more shaking. Got the fish off, now just the lure in my thumb real bad. Played with it for a while, this is going to look funny driving back to town with a rapala sticking out of my thumb and miss all this fishing!!! Should I give a yank? dang, played withit somemore and finally came out, so be carful!! fish on crjahn
We have all been hooked in one way or the other but I haven't been hooked as bad as you crjahn. I did see my dad get a catfish hook deep into his thumb. We were running trotlines and had a 15lb kitty on one of the hooks. As it got closer to the boat, dad was putting the excessive line in a bucket when this cat decided to make a mad dash for it. I guess that cat wasn't going be the only one to wear some jewelry. I forgot the size of the hook but it was large. It went deep in near the bone. No way he was going get it out. Went to the hospital and sat there for a while since it was a non life threatening situation. Hook removed (4 stitches) and there he had a conversation piece mounted on the wall of his camper with string still attached. We were back out after that running the lines. Oh, that kitty was on the table that nite.
I've got one cut the shank and pass it all the way through to my credits. It was a Rapala. The fish was hooked on the front hook and as I tried to get it free, the rear hook embedded itself deep into my forearm. Pushing the hook the rest of the way through really didn't hurt anywhere near as bad had I tried to pull it out the other way.