Limiting access to the gorge

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
Green River Wyo
It not enough that now we have two threats,to take water out of the gorge. We now have a group that wants to limit access to the shoreline of the gorge.
It seems we have a group that wants to limit access within the boundaries of the Flaming Gorge Recreational Area (FGRA) I have not been able to find a map of the areas to be affected, but I will continue to look for it. Here is a little piece from the local fish wrap that I found.

The Green River City Council is encouraging residents to attend a meeting hosted by the Coalition of Local Governments on the Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area/Ashley National Forest Motorized Travel Plan draft environmental impact statement. The meeting will take place May 14 from 5-9 p.m. at the Green River High School cafeteria.

Councilman Jim Boan said "there is a group that wants to shut off public access in certain areas of the Flaming Gorge Dam". Those concerned about access rights should attend the meeting.

Good Lord!!!!! we now have three creditable threats to fight. Makes we wonder if all three of these groups didn't get together,and decided to attack us all at the same time. Of course if the water boys get their way,access to a river channel won't matter much then. I for one will be at the meeting on the 14th,and will report just exactly what this group proposes in doing.
Thats one of the best things about the Gorge is you can generally camp where and how you want to. Not to mention all of those that use the shores to fish because they dont have boats. Too many waters, especially here in Utah have become basically access by boat only. This is a shame. I can understand closing access on some waters where litter and crime have become a problem... but thats not the case at Flaming Gorge. Tim, thanks for keeping an eye on things, and let us know if there is anything we can do to help.
I went to the county commissioners meeting on this last night and firmly believe that this needs to be taken very seriously. From what I gathered at last night’s meeting,one of the most important things that we can (and need) to do is the following:

Go to the Forest Service website (linked below) and open the DEIS Comment Form. Copy it, Print it, whatever, but FILL it out with specific comments and SEND it in before the deadline. They need to hear our input on these proposals while there is still a chance for our input to be heard. We need numbers that rival the environmentalists that are a major player in limiting our access to public lands.

Here is a link to the Environmental Impact Statement Draft on the Forest Service Website:

FYI, My comments will be along the lines of the following:

Of the available alternative I would be willing to support a variation of Alternative A (the No Action Alternative). Alternative A needs to include (and allow the unrestricted use of) ALL existing and currently useable roads, including two-tracks, and not just those roads officially recognized by the Forest Service and/or those roads shown on the proposal maps. Furthermore, to be acceptable Alternative A needs to NOT impose any further restrictions on the dispersed camping that is currently allowed in the proposal area.
(as for my willingness to support a variation of ALT "A" I copied them from another poster on bft,but he said exactly how i felt. tks R.M.) He just said it better.

A meeting will be held on Tues the 19th at 6:00pm in the John Wesley Powell Room at the Western Wyoming Community College in Green River. This meeting will be sponsored by the forest service
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