Bugs @ FG?

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Jan 22, 2009
I haven't heard many mention the use of Koke bugs at FG. Are they just not effective there or just a well kept secret?
I met some people at Buckboard last year that fished around us all week. They were from Washington and used bugs almost exclusively. They did very well with them. They limited out each day we talked with them.

I have never used them personally and have considered adding a few to the tackle box this year.
What brand or type of bugs do you typically use?

I typically make my own bugs. They're pretty simple. Just use t-shirt paint and they're all one color (i.e. orange, pink, etc.). I do have a few Sierra Anglers bugs made by Keith Kerrigan that I used last year, and they worked awesome.
TroutScout, since a bug will not impart any lure action of its own, They are fished very close to the back of a dodger, 9" leader.
Bugs worked well for me this weekend. As Mark said I used Father Murphy Bugs, the super bugs2 and some special Flaming Gorge sized ones I had him make up for me. Lollipop, pink/purple and firetiger were the best colors. I used RMT 4.5 dodgers for the standard sized bugs and the RMT 5.5 and Seps 3/0 for the big bugs, 8"-11" leaders @ 1.3-1.8mph. We also tried Mr. Kokanee's Flaming Gorge Special gel by Pro-Cure, I was impressed! Take a look at these products @ www.fishingwithfathermurphyy.com and www.mrkokanee.com and tell them Joefish sent you.
