Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
On January 19, the wife and I received a phone call in the early morning that our granddaughter was about to make her appearance into this world. She took her time (all day) from the 5am call the aroused me out of bed after just getting off of work at 1230am(swing shift). She finally came about 7:21pm that evening. Unfortunately as one life comes in, another is sacrifised. My wife received a phone call about 8pm 1 Feb from her sister that their only brother unexpectantly passed away between 4-5pm. As she mourns for her brother and wishes she could have seen him before the final hour, she also thinks of the little bundle of joy that replaces him to help ease the pain of a loss. God is always present at the time of birth and only he knows when your time has come to go to the 'Pearly Gates'. God bless all.