Thanks Guys
Look if any of you guys in the Eastern, OR. area know of places that are known to grab gear lets talk. I have been searching, salvaging, and recovering things off of the bottom for over 10 years. One of the guys has been diving for 40yrs. My dive partners and I are willing to go and swim most anything. We are also willing to compensate you for your knowledge. We are talking about diving on Wed. am. We have not picked a spot yet so if it is less than say 150 ft deep, we may take a look. Also we can dive through the ice but prefer not to, it takes a lot of work.
We also have been talking about how to sell the stuff. If i get a pic of the stuff and a list of how many of each item we have would that make it easy? As I posted before, the junk get thrown out.
I am not trying to scam anyone! Just looking to off set some of the cost of the diving.
Again Thank you for your interest,
PM me if you have any locations to get in the water.