Read as much on The Gorge as you can on this forum. FG kokes can get very finicky. About 4 years ago, Apex (Hot Spots) never failed. 3 years ago the bite seemed to get much better using Tazmanian Devils (pink). 2 years ago Tazs worked well then the bite shifted to RMT Assassin Spinners. Last year the spinners worked all season long again. When others were switching to squid baits, I stuck with the spinners and did very well. I probably chose too long a leader for running squids (8 - 12") seemed to be the ticket but I was concerned about having the flasher that short for fear of losing fish. Many others were reporting GREAT success all last season and now again this year using the squid. JUST READ THE REPORTS! Now that ice out is upon us, there will be a lot of reading to do. Don't forget to post your pics. Everybody LOVES pics!!!!!!!!!!