View Full Version : Homemade Koke Jigs

04-08-2010, 05:51 PM
I've had a number of people ask about the jigs I make so here's a quick write up on them. The jigs I do finish work on are poured from a flutter jig mold (I get them as bare lead allready poured.) My supplies are from Stanima, Barlow's, and Netcraft. I start off by throwing the jigs in some metal etch (vinegar will work) to give the paint a good bond. The paint is Lure & Jig Finish from Component Systems. You'll also need the special thinner (methyl isobutyl ketone/xylene.) I paint by hand starting off with a white base coat, then the actual colors. The dots were done useing a tiny Q-Tip like applicator. The tape and eyes are then applied after the paint is thoroughly dry. I then spray them with a couple coats of clear acrylic (start off with a very light coat.) Then they get multiple coats of an epoxy like seal coat made by Component Systems. The reason I spray the acrylic first is to seal the edges of the tape so the epoxy seal coat doesn't work it's way underneth and lift the tape. After all that the only thing left is the split rings and hooks.

04-08-2010, 11:02 PM
Other than you being a super mod, now I have a better vision of what you have been doing during your off time. Only someone who is retired has that kind of time on there hands. Nice looking jigs SB, those are professional quality. It really takes a lot of thought to put so many designs and patience into creating this type of arsenal. I purchase a lot of the stuff that is ready for fishing. This is inspiration to do my own creativity. 101ok101

04-09-2010, 11:24 AM
Awesome work! I think I see up to 3 different sizes? I was wonder what ounce sizes they were and under what conditions you switch it up?


04-09-2010, 12:51 PM
Awesome work! I think I see up to 3 different sizes? I was wonder what ounce sizes they were and under what conditions you switch it up?


Most of those are 1/2 and 3/4 oz with a few 1/4's thrown in. I mainly use the 1/2's when anchored up jigging off the bottom in 40-60' of water. Any deeper and I'll either stick with the 1/2's or go to the 3/4's. While out in the middle targeting suspended fish when it's dead calm the 1/2's work, but the minute there's a breeze I throw on the 3/4's and use the drift sock. I haven't tried the 1/4's yet, I guess if there's absolutely no wind they'll work in the shallower depths or for casting out to kokes on the surface.

twisted lines
04-09-2010, 05:19 PM
The jigs and Apexes that you have shared look great, how about a few wee tads now? thumbsup

04-09-2010, 07:55 PM
The jigs and Apexes that you have shared look great, how about a few wee tads now? thumbsup

Here's a few I repainted. I re-rigged them with bobber stops for adjustable hook set backs.

twisted lines
04-09-2010, 08:57 PM
Nice thanks!

04-09-2010, 11:19 PM
Great jigs SB! You might try using them as an attractor pattern and tying a couple of Rat Finkes, size 8, underneath them 8" from the jig and below the first R.F. I find that a good attractor jig works better with the baited jigs below it rather than trying to catch the Kokes on the attached hook. JMHO.


John Ward
04-10-2010, 02:02 AM
Ok...what are "rat finks" and how are they attached? A pic would reaaly help.

04-10-2010, 02:05 AM
Silver Bullets, I can tell you first hand that 1/4 oz jigs work great. The wind is your enemy with these things though. If there isn't a lot of wind and the fish are near the surface, (top 30-35ft), the 1/4 oz's that I use will just drive the koke's wild. A lot easier to miss them with these little jigs but there are typically more hits and the fight is so much better when you hook up. When the koke's get stubborn and are a little turned off on the larger jigs, that's when I will always pull out those little one's. They will almost always increase my SPH, (strike's per hour). Of course, keep in mind that I've never had the privilege of fishing for those Wallowa sized kokes, but it seems to hold true on fish in the 10 to 17 inch class.

Oh, and remember, I'm using them in a horizontal/surface action method as opposed to a vertical jig.

04-10-2010, 10:11 AM

Rat Finke jigs are made by Custom Jigs and Spins. They weigh 1/50th of an ounce and are used below standard jigs like the ones pictured above. We use them all winter long to ice fish and they produce!

04-10-2010, 01:01 PM
The Rat Finke looks like a great idea MMM! Do you tie it on with heavy (stiffer) mono to keep tangles to a minimum while lowering it down?

04-10-2010, 06:36 PM
The Rat Finke looks like a great idea MMM! Do you tie it on with heavy (stiffer) mono to keep tangles to a minimum while lowering it down?

We generally use 8 lb test Fluoro. They don't seem to get tangled unless you really run them down super fast.

04-10-2010, 07:22 PM
I saw these on Janns and they look like they could be used the same way.


04-10-2010, 07:25 PM
For you guys that are big on the jigs, what is your opinion of these?


04-10-2010, 11:05 PM
I saw these on Janns and they look like they could be used the same way.


You want your inline jigs to hang horizontally so that the bait is easy to take for the Koke originally attracted by the vertical jig. If your small bottom suspended jigs hang vertically they tangle in the line.


04-11-2010, 12:25 AM
For you guys that are big on the jigs, what is your opinion of these?


I've used some jigs that look very close to those...the P-Line Laser Minnows and Kokanator jigs. They work very well.
