A One Dayer

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Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
Did my one dayer up to the Gorge on 6-6-2010. I was shocked that my wife volunteered to keep me company. The morning drive was just awesome with some overcast. As usual she out fished me again but it was fun. The weather was perfect on the water for a change. We did come in with our limits and did released about 4 smaller kokes. Had 1 fat rainbow but released it. Met up with another KFF member Rasty 1 and clan from Shingle Springs, Calif. Nice meeting you Mike. Glad you also got into the kokes. Used hyperplaid, bahama mama, hyperplaid w/pink stripe dodgers with RGT watermellon stinger, orange squid & pearlscent squid. Had a spinner on an orange squid but it wasn't getting any takers. Removed spinner and now it was singing with hits. One little adjustment like that makes a difference. I now have competition with 2 different rods I fish with. Vances spiral wrap vs Jared Johnson sisgnature rod. They both performed very well and looks like my arsenal with those rods will keep me fishing for a long time to come. Planning my next trip already.


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    The Morning Drive to Flaming Gorge 6-6-2010.jpg
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  • KFF member Rasty 1 Flaming Gorge 6-6-2010.jpg
    KFF member Rasty 1 Flaming Gorge 6-6-2010.jpg
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  • Flaming Gorge 6-6-2010.jpg
    Flaming Gorge 6-6-2010.jpg
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Looks great Roger. I did some more packing this weekend. I'm in countdown mode!
what are them twirly thingieslaugh hystlaugh hyst glad you and the Mrs had a good trip,Looking forward to seeing both of you soon.
Sounds like a great trip, Roger. Glad the weather cooperated this time for you. We are headed up Wednesday for 4 days and hope the fishing and weather hold thru the week.
The fishing is starting to get better now. Always looking fwd going back to the Gorge. It helps when the weather cooperates. Even got a little sunburn out on the water. BTW, water temp is up to 55 so the kokes are going deeper. But haven't seen any schooling yet. Half the time I was wandering if there were any fish there. Wouldn't mark hardly anything on the finder except occasional loners.
Glad the bite is picking up. Hopefully with the warmer weather the fishing will get better & better.
On my way in 4 days, getting harder to get to sleep; & I am awake at the crack of dawn......I'm going to be worn out before I get there!!tooexcited
Great news!!! Glad to hear it's warming up at the Gorge. We'll be there on June 17th & staying for a week. From your report it sounds like we're bringing a lot of the 'right stuff' though I know it can change at any time.

Bduck...I'm using the same 2 rods here in NorCal at New Melones Lake. A Vance's Spiral wrap with an Okuma Magna Line counter reel and a JJKoke Special with my Tica Caimen reel. Yesterday only the JJ rod caught kokes for me on Melones.

Bob, I know what you mean- been very anxious for this trip to start. Will you still be there when Tortuga & I get there?? The weather is warming up here too & I had a good day yesterday on Melones.
Anxious schmanxious...I haven't slept in days and we have a whoolleee week before we leave!! You guys save us a few..it's always good when the wife out fishes you...at least that is what Froggie...my wife...says!!
See you there Bob.
Hope you made a good map chip last time...
I too am headed up on thursday for a few days can't wait to try the stuff I won. Petty says they will be good ones. Hope the weather gives us a window to get on some. The new dodgers are working good for trout so maybe!!!!!!!!????? tooexcited
The Gorge 6-3 to 6-10

Well just got back from the gorge and trying to figure how I will get back soon. Went up with my wife, oldest son and his wife.
First a great big thanks to bduck for putting us on Kokes! I am new to koke fishing and it was my first time at the gorge. The first day we were there, we were fishing the pipeline for zero and bduck called me on the radio (we had communicated on the kff and he knew I would be there that morning) and suggested I move down to Rawlings flat area, told me what he was using and boom, we were on them. Funny how things change, we were there five days and each day they were taking something different with different colors. A few things always work well for us, first was the RMT Hyper Plaid dodgers in white and white with the pink splash through the middle of it, second was us the berkeley glup maggots in pink and third was super gel in kokanee flavor. The last day we were using RMT super squids in pink, orange and purple with the purple doing the most damage. I just kept changing lures out on all the rods until we found what was working.
We ran in the canyon one morning for zero, came back to rawlings and got in them again, then one morning we went up around buckboard and got one nice koke but couldn't keep the mac's off our lures, so moved back to rawlings and got into them again. (I am not much on mac's)
I also noticed that when we got in water over 60 degrees, the bite really picked up. The best depth was around thirty five feet deep. (we fished 30',35', 40' and 45') The biggest kokes were 3.3lbs and most were around 2.8lbs. We didn't get any hogs, but coming from California, these were beautiful fish.
Thanks again to bduck (and his wife for showing him how to fish!) Roger you really make this a great forum when you do what you do, thanks my friend and great to meet you in person.
Also the second to last day we are at the cleaning station and this guy pulls up and I ask him where he is from and he says, Shingle Springs! Met paddleman, and we found out we live a little over 4 miles from each other, small world!
I will try and add some photos later, I have a Mac and doesn't seem to want to load pics.
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I LOVE reading these reports. We are so excited. Leaving on Tues. & will be at Buckboard on Thurs. Weather for the next 3 days looks great. My fingers are crossed.
Way to go Roger. I'll be back up in two weeks. The derby was a bust. didn't even put the boat on the water. There isn''t a fish in that lake worth going out in the crap the weather gods dished out this weekend. Jared and I just helped out where we could with weighing fish or shuttling people up tohe store from the docks. Still was great to get out of town for a weekend.
Plans are in the works Rob for the gathering but I might sneak up up there again for either a one dayer or just sleep in my boat for a over nighter. This could have makings for a slumber party. 101smilie101
We are headed up on Thursday evening. I am really looking forward to my first trip up there this year. It will only be a good trip if I outfish my husband!

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