IDFG response

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Jul 3, 2009
The Fish and Game did in fact respond--some of you questioned that--and did so promptly. I am attaching their response below, with my original inquiry. The answer is complete and Jeff, the author should be appreciated for taking his time to answer. Thanks, Jeff. However, I was totally baffled by his accusations that I was "fueling the fires of a conspiracy theory." I simply was curious as to why the lower numbers. I am happy as can be about the fishery at Lucky Peak, and about the F & G in general. If you read my email to Jeff, I clearly state that. Secondly, he goes on to accuse me of "insinuating they (the F & G) are inattentive, deceitful, or incompetent." After simply posing--in my mind at least--a simple question, and one with no hidden agendas, and then doing just what was recommended by going to the source, I feel as if his accusations are unfounded. If I offended Jeff, I apologize. The question I posed to the F & G and the response is attached below. Again, thank you Jeff for your prompt response and for providing such a great fishery at L.P. Your work is truly appreciated. Your accusations are not. Mike

-----Original Message-----
From: Dillon,Jeff
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 5:35 PM
Subject: RE: Lucky Peak kokanee

Mike - I saw your forum post. All due respect, but it would have been nice if you inquired with Fish and Game before fueling the fires of a conspiracy theory.

Lucky Peak is probably the highest quality and most consistent kokanee fishery in the state, and we have every intention of keeping it that way. Our standard annual request is for 200,000 kokanee fingerlings. Most years we are close, some years we have surplus, and some years we have a shortage. Recognize that we are dependent on just a couple sources of early-spawn kokanee eggs for the entire state. Deadwood was our source for a number of years, but it is remote and the costs to fly out the eggs is high. Last year our hatchery staff chose to shift the egg-take operation to above Anderson Ranch to reduce both logistics and cost. This move was not as efficient as we hoped (Anderson Ranch fish are not quite ready to spawn when they are trapped, and we had limited ability to hold the fish). We saved a few bucks but did not meet our egg take objectives for the state, and a number of fisheries got fewer kokanee than requested in 2010. This year, we are moving the spawning operation back to Deadwood and I expect we'll have to spend more of the sportsman's dollars but get a better result.

I appreciate and share your passion for kokanee fishing. In fact, I was on Lucky Peak today myself because I enjoy that fishery. But I also cringe when I read a question like yours on any internet forum that insinuates Fish and Game is being inattentive, deceitful, or incompetent. If you have a concern, find out what's going on from the people who know. I would invite you to call me or drop in anytime to discuss our management programs for kokanee or any other fisheries in southwest Idaho.


Jeff Dillon
Regional Fishery Manager
IDFG Southwest Region
3101 S. Powerline Rd
Nampa, ID 83686
(208)465-8465 ext. 301

Note new email address: [email protected]
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 3:48 PM
To: Dillon,Jeff
Subject: FW: Lucky Peak kokanee

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 3:37 PM
Subject: Lucky Peak kokanee

This message was sent from the IDFG website.

I am a frequent contributor to the "Idaho Kokanee Fishing Forum", and would like to know why the number of kokanee plantings in Lucky Peak have been cut in half, roughly. Several years ago you were planting approx. 300,000 fingerlings and this year approx. 150,000. The numbers have been discussed on the site, and I would like to be able to respond with accurate info from your dept. P.S.: thanks for all you do, esp. considering our sometimes hostile legislature. You ARE appreciated. Mike
Mike, I didn't read it the same way you did. Also, he may not have known which post was yours, and which was somone less diplomatic. I read these boards, and the sister site BFT, and there are some folks that continually post exactly the accusations Jeff spaks of on both sites. I encourage you to drop in and meet Jeff, and share your take on these posts. I am sure he sees things the same way you do in the big picture.

Remember he is a servant of the public, and is not allowed to post on internet forums (even to defend himself or hsi department), in an official capacity. The entire fisheries management program is a huge balancing act, and with funding being hacked by the politicians, those guys are up a creek. THe IDF&G has been doing more with less so long they are now doing everything with nothing.

I think his explanation of the management of Lucky Peak is accurate, and fair.
I just re-read your post, and I think it opens the door for bashing the F&G. In this case nothing happened, but it is inviting everyone with an opinion to flame away, and 75% of those opinions are not fact based - rather they are loose interpretations of what that fisherman heard at the boat ramp. I see Jeff's point, in that it would have been better to ask him the question, and then post the facts rather than open the door for a potential flame-fest of the F&G.
A couple of points: First, no one is more sympathetic towards the plight of the Fish and Game than I am; in fact I was so disturbed by the people with hidden agendas running for the F&G board, that I ran for a spot years ago, with the support of former Gov. Cece Andrus. Secondly, Jeff deserves tons of praise for the excellent fishery created at Lucky Peak. How many other incredible fisheries exist that close to a major urban area? I am always disturbed by the often uninformed bashing of the F&G; they deserve much praise, and I have always defended them. It is for just these reasons that I was taken aback by the response I received. I thought I was doing the right thing by going to the source, and then sharing it with the forum. I was really hoping I would receive a response, to negate the comment made by someone about "good luck getting an answer". I felt the response was what we in the field of psychology call a "crossed transaction", a response to something that confuses the receiver greatly. However, I am going to concentrate on the positive, knowing that if he is overly sensitive, there is good reason for it; he promptly responded; and he is obviously doing a great job. End of story!!!! Mike
I understand your point as well. I know several folks from F&G that are either members of these forums or at least read them regularly. They can be a great source of information to them as to what is going on in the field. That being said there is also a lot of IDF&G bashing on internet forums by folks that do not have all the facts. I think Jeff was trying to say (and I don't want to put words in his mouth) that it may have been best to either invite him to post on the subject, or find out from him first and explain it from his standpoint why the number of Koke plants seem to be dropping.

After reading your original post and F&G's response, I am perplexed. I cannot see where you invited such a response, and honestly, I have never had a conversation with anyone in F&G that had the tone of the email that you received. I would just like you to know that I saw no reason for this and that I took your original question at face value and found it to be fair.


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