I used to use a drift sock to troll with, and I learned a couple of things.
I had the drift sock attached at the transom, and had difficulty turning with it either attached to one corner or both corners.
I found a sail boat hardware rolling block. Similar to "RONSTAN Series 25 Lightweight Blocks" listed on West Marine. Sailing blocks can be expensive, but you can find cheap ones that will do if you search. The above listed blocks are 12 to 17 dollars.
I attached a rope to either side of the transom, long enough not to interfere with the motor / prop. Worked very well. The drift sock would sink straight down below the transom when in neutral, and was never in the way for me.
I don't fish this way anymore, as there are some obvious disadvantages to having the drift sock in the way fighting a fish etc. But if your gonna use a drift sock off of the stern, you have to allow it to roll along a rope, so it can pull even pressure on both sides of the transom. The same thing will happen with 2 drift socks, or buckets off of the stern, as the outside bucket pulls hard trying to straighten you out.
I have never pulled them from the front, and that might be the best / cheap solution. From the other posts it sounds like they don't interfere with steering.