Grazing Table

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Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
The wife & I went to Costco yesterday for some shopping. I came upon these tables set up under a canopy with 4 different samples of potstickers being presented. Low & behold I was hungary looking into the grazing booth. When I made a step fwd, 2 seperate women with basket loads of kids and no groceries in the baskets put the block on the rest of us and depleted the samples feeding their kids as well as themselves. So I walked off for a few minutes hoping that a full scale breakfast feed would pass and when I returned to the booth for my feed, it was blocked off again with different women & their kids. But this time my wife was standing and waiting to get her hands on some of the free feed. Now she was getting frustrated because as one basket of kids was leaving another would put the block on her again. Whats with these stay at home moms? Can't they just stay home? Do they have tunnel vision & only recognize themselves only in a public place? There are too many weapons within arms reach for some these women to get their hands on incase I were to step in front of one of them. Lord help me, I picked the wrong day again. 101shock1101 101thumbsdown101
The world is a tough place to raise a family now Roger. Considering my grocery bill for just my wife and I, I'm very glad I don't have to feed a brood now.
What are you saying Dave? Don't go to Costco? Sportman's Warehouse needs to set up the tables for all those guys who have mother nature provide all of the fixins'. I can see it now, samples of possum pie, beaver stew, jerky strips, trout & salmon with crackers, roast duck, goose, and ah yes quail & pheasant with a sip of fine wine. 101ok101 This surely will draw in a lot of the rednecks. tooexcited
LOL, I know exactly what you mean. These people piss me off. Not only is it those that you described, But here in Ogden, Which is where Im assuming you were at, Is horrible. The elderly are horrible also.

You want to se something funny, Go to RC willeys, on a major sale weekend when they are serving free hot dogs and soft drinks. OMG!!!!! every one goes from there, to across the road to Costco and then on down Riverdale road to Sams Club. Its their weekend ritual!!!!!. Its the geriatric convention. The poor Sr Citizen's are on such fixed income that this is their lunch or Dinner for the day/ weekend. I really feel for some of them. They walk in, right past all of the furniture, never a thought to purchase something that they cant afford. Then wa la, It's chow!

I have a friend who works these little booths there at Costco. she has told me some stories you will not believe. There are many that come like clock work. She can set her watch by it. They are so rude, they block the isles, cut you off, etc. Fridays have gotten horrible there with the goverment workers having every other friday off. I wont go there on Friday and Saturdays. I try to go Sunday on my way home from Church. Its pretty quiet then. Most of our locals are in church and do not shop on Sundays, So I can get it, get what I need, go home to the patio, cook it up, Cold Malt beverage in hand and or a beverage with my favorite Brown colored Spirit and im good to have my own Grazing Table.

She makes little comments to them to try and get them to move on and allow otehrs to come in that might consider really wanting to buy the product after they have tryed this product. She says that they just ignore her, and "Grub down" She says that this little job is hilarious some days.
I have felt the wrath like bumper cars. After I get slammed a couple of times, I feel like I need to borrow one of the seniors walkers. I wish I had a quarter for everytime my heel has been caught under a shopping cart.

RC Willeys is notorious for free hot dogs. With Costco & Sams near by it feels like an onslaught of the Christmas rush with bumper to bumper traffic.
I think alot of it is due to the economy. There's alot of people now days feeling the pinch with the high price of gas and food, jobs lost, wages cut, and seniors living on a fixed income. The way things are headed it's not going to get much better any time soon. I know of seniors that have to rely on free meals at the senior center most days of the week just to get by. I just talked to a nice neighbor couple (late 80's) this morning who went on and on about the day they had up at a indian casino yesterday. They wern't there for the gambling...they were there for the free food.
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