Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
All thru the month of February we experienced above normal seasonal temps when we should still be a frozen tundra. I took a ride up to E Canyon res yesterday and by comparison from the previous week, ice should be off by the end of the week. With all of the recent rains, lake level has risen to above the 2nd dam base, open water of 30-40' from shore to the edge of the ice and major cracks in the ice throughout the lake. Now we are in the month of March and another warm storm known as the pineapple express is about ascend upon us putting more rain in the lower elevations and valleys with a good snow pack on the mountain. I've been chomping at the bit to get out to Bear L but the storms keep hammering away. The more we get now the better the lakes fill and I'm expecting close to full pool this spring. thumbsup tooexcited