Changes proposed for Utah Fishing Regulations

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Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
I have heard this until I read the article. I like the proposed changes mentioned especially for Strawberry & Flaming Gorge. Since Utah has increased popularity of kokanee that has expanded to a few other lakes I would like see the Gorge at least bump up the kokanee daily limit to meet with Strawberry. As far as the use of corn I can go either way thats decided. But I do feel its good to make it sound for use in all waters. This will eliminate the possibility of a citation coming off of one lake legal to use corn but not in another having remnants lingering or a container full. Baby steps is the usual route to improve a program.
Those changes would certainly make a lot more people legal that currently aren't.
Using corn for bait creates litter????? How does that even make sense. Some very draconian laws back there. Hope they also ban worms for bait, all those worm containers are a real mess.
I think that raising the limit on small macs to 12 is going the wrong way. If people won't keep a limit of 8 ,what makes the powers that be ,think people will keep a limit of 12? If they really wanted to decrease the small macs on the gorge. Put a no return to water after caught . This will help to decrease the small macs more then raising the limit will.
While i would love to bring home 6 kokes from a trip rather than 3 at the gorge, along with 4 and 8 at the berry, it will interesting to see the impact over a few years. They might need to increase stocking numbers to accomidate these numbers. Im all for it. Long trip over to the gorge and berry for those smaller limits. I vote yes.!
I think that raising the limit on small macs to 12 is going the wrong way. If people won't keep a limit of 8 ,what makes the powers that be ,think people will keep a limit of 12? If they really wanted to decrease the small macs on the gorge. Put a no return to water after caught . This will help to decrease the small macs more then raising the limit will.

Tim, my trips these days are few and far between to the Gorge. When I do go its for Kokanee, providing I don't need a rescue. whistlersmother I'm assuming Wyoming is on board with the 12 limit as well, 2 states sharing the same water usually communicate to make regs the same on both sides of the fence. I also don't feel that limit will do any good. At first burbot limits were set at 25 with a must immediately kill, then someone had to the educated wits in power that this regulation is not common sense if the burbot is to be eradicated from the Gorge, won't happen. The burbot has remained on a must kill list with a no limit. Then there is Yellowstone Lake which has a must kill for all lake trout. This is a never will happen too with the trophy lakers at the Gorge.
While i would love to bring home 6 kokes from a trip rather than 3 at the gorge, along with 4 and 8 at the berry, it will interesting to see the impact over a few years. They might need to increase stocking numbers to accomidate these numbers. Im all for it. Long trip over to the gorge and berry for those smaller limits. I vote yes.!
Maybe the increased limit should include a no culling clause. I am absolutely positive that more fish are killed culling than catching and keeping.
I agree D, Im not sure if this practice is being used, i sure hope not. I also feel that going to a full time single hook as we have done will also aid in release survival. Most kokes hit that live well and they go tits up pretty quick. Lakers and bows are a different story.
Maybe the increased limit should include a no culling clause. I am absolutely positive that more fish are killed culling than catching and keeping.
I'm assuming that you are talking about having a koke in the live well,then catching a bigger fish,and throwing the smaller one back in the water? If you are I whole hearty agree. Kokes are very temperamental and they don't last long once the are put in a live well.If more koke fisherman would learn how to properly release kokanne,they would have a lot better chance of survival.

I know that some have said that they would like to see a regulation that states all kokanne caught must be kept. I would never be in favor for such a regulation. I believe it would hurt the fishery more then it would help. How many times have we caught a limit of kokes,then target a different species ,only to catch another koke. Now with a mandatory keep reg what do I do? If I keep the fish,that puts me over my limit,and I run the risk of being caught and fined. If I release it,then I have broken the keep all koke reg. Plus if you have to keeps all koke caught,and they are all small dinks. How does that help the spawn in a couple years?
I'm assuming that you are talking about having a koke in the live well,then catching a bigger fish,and throwing the smaller one back in the water? If you are I whole hearty agree. Kokes are very temperamental and they don't last long once the are put in a live well.If more koke fisherman would learn how to properly release kokanne,they would have a lot better chance of survival.

I know that some have said that they would like to see a regulation that states all kokanne caught must be kept. I would never be in favor for such a regulation. I believe it would hurt the fishery more then it would help. How many times have we caught a limit of kokes,then target a different species ,only to catch another koke. Now with a mandatory keep reg what do I do? If I keep the fish,that puts me over my limit,and I run the risk of being caught and fined. If I release it,then I have broken the keep all koke reg. Plus if you have to keeps all koke caught,and they are all small dinks. How does that help the spawn in a couple years?
Nah! You keep everything you catch up to your limit. Anything over that MUST be released. Common sense Bro. Works almost every time its tried.

As to culling, Utah already has that covered in the Guidebook:
A trout, salmon or grayling may not be released if it’s been held in or on a stringer, fish basket, livewell or by any other device.
Poorly written article, from reading the article it would seem that the new regs will affect both sides of the lake. Unless I'm mistaken the changes will only affect fisherman on the Utah side. I think these new changes will be wide open for abuse.
I think these new changes will be wide open for abuse.

In all my years of fishing the Gorge I've never seen any enforcement on or off the water. I don't see any changes in how people choose to be ethical sportsmen or not.
Poorly written article, from reading the article it would seem that the new regs will affect both sides of the lake. Unless I'm mistaken the changes will only affect fisherman on the Utah side. I think these new changes will be wide open for abuse.
I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that both sides of Flaming Gorge will be effected by the changes since the article title says "Using corn as bait now allowed at all Utah waters; other fishing changes announced for 2019-20." Wyoming isn't mentioned anywhere in that article.

However, comma, Wyoming did in fact propose the same trout creel and possession limits for Flaming Gorge that were proposed in Utah and will be in place in 2019 if approved. So the Lake Trout limit was proposed to increase to 12 with no more than one over 28" and the possession limit was proposed to increase to a two day possession limit.

And for what it's worth - probably nothing - I don't think abuses will change one way or the other over what they are currently.
The change that I’d love to see made is to separate the Kokanee and trout limits so that they stand on their own.
I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that both sides of Flaming Gorge will be effected by the changes since the article title says "Using corn as bait now allowed at all Utah waters; other fishing changes announced for 2019-20." Wyoming isn't mentioned anywhere in that article.

However, comma, Wyoming did in fact propose the same trout creel and possession limits for Flaming Gorge that were proposed in Utah and will be in place in 2019 if approved. So the Lake Trout limit was proposed to increase to 12 with no more than one over 28" and the possession limit was proposed to increase to a two day possession limit.

And for what it's worth - probably nothing - I don't think abuses will change one way or the other over what they are currently.

Guess I need to clarify. I was talking about the two day limit in possession,not the corn or the lake trout limit. The way I read the new regs, a two day limit applies to rainbow trout,brown trout,and kokanne? No where in the article does it say that the new possession limit only applys to the Utah side,and not the Wyoming side.

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