Trailer Buddy Bearings

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Jun 5, 2008
Harrisville , Utah
Hey Guys , I'm just wondering if there is a good or better type of Buddy Bearing for my boat trailer . I'm not real happy with the ones I have on it right now. looking for opinions.101smily101
petty is right the there are only 2 axles lube through axle and the bearing buddy type. the only other option is a oil bath conversion .
Hey Guys , I'm just wondering if there is a good or better type of Buddy Bearing for my boat trailer . I'm not real happy with the ones I have on it right now. looking for opinions.101smily101
I was a mechanic for 40 years before I retired. Lets talk real life, for a minute. If you have freshly greased bearings, bearing buddy's are a great thing for keeping the water out when launching and in a small way, when retrieving, but not for keeping fresh lube in the bearings. The bearing buddy's will keep the hubs under slight pressure, so when the warm hubs, are submersed into cold water and they cool, there is less of a chance to draw in water. The bearings will still need to be repacked on a regular basis (I base mine on a guess of miles traveled yearly). If you push enough grease into the hub to get fresh grease in the bearings it is likely to damage the seals. So the proper use of bearing buddy is to pump enough grease to push the spring out to keep pressure on the hub assembly, I do this before I leave my house, being carful to leave space for expansion, then when your at the ramp it's ready.
Right on, I too turned wrenches in my previous life. I use Bearing Buddies, which are spring loaded, as above, just put in enough till you see the face plate move out. I used to put my seals in backwards, this way you cant blow them out, but easy to push the water out. But if you are into pretty, warning, either way you will get grease on the back side of your rim, I simply consider this water proofing to keep the rims from rusting. Remember, after you first put the hubs on, there is a large open space between the bearings, so it will take a lot of grease, but not all at once, just often till it fills up the space. Rather than repack my bearings often, I jack up the trailer and spin the wheel, if it feels even a bit rough, tear it down, if not, give it a shot of grease and go fishing, ha ha.

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