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  1. Kokanee Kid

    Clear lake

  2. Kokanee Kid

    American Lake Wounded Veterans Fishing Day

    WE HAD A BLAST!!!! Our Wounded Warrior caught his first kokanee ever! Followed by several more! Then the bite went off. My lil bro called me and said they had found the trout, and our vet said let's go. He just wanted to catch fish did not matter to him what they were. He caught a BUNCH of fish...
  3. Kokanee Kid

    Clear lake

    Great job! How big are the kokes?
  4. Kokanee Kid

    Riffe Lake 4-21-12 INSANE CATCHING

    WOW fencing How did you find that spot?
  5. Kokanee Kid

    American 4.21.2012

    You doing good lb. worthy12
  6. Kokanee Kid

    Riffe Lake 4-21-12 INSANE CATCHING

    No love? I gess i will need to cut you two off nananana
  7. Kokanee Kid

    Downrigger set back Help.

    40 pulls set back and send-er down
  8. Kokanee Kid

    Riffe 4.14.2012

    Good to see you again on the water lil bro!! Fishing was easy pickings! We, at times, had a hard time fishing 4 rods. Even had 5-6 coho slashing at one of our setups 20 pulls back and we could see them! The best for me was getting my wife out. Any time she goes with is great for me. Bahama-mama...
  9. Kokanee Kid

    American 4/12/12

    DANG D-O-Double that thing is a fattie!!!
  10. Kokanee Kid


    Nice Koke 101ok101
  11. Kokanee Kid

    Riffe with the Dominator

    Well done 101goodpost101
  12. Kokanee Kid

    4 1/2 lb. trout

    Nice Trout! I was told the clam digging was a cake walk. Clams and trout dinner, that's a winner!
  13. Kokanee Kid

    WDFW 2012 Stocking Plan - American Lake

    I have seen a mix of fish from 11"-15", so who knows until we all start getting into them. I know I have a plan "B", "C", and "D".
  14. Kokanee Kid

    WDFW 2012 Stocking Plan - American Lake

    I see what you are looking at. Also see some of the other lakes I have fished for kokanee and they list "fry" stocking. But American does not. Makes me wonder as well.
  15. Kokanee Kid

    American Lake Report 4-7-12

    Nice looking stick! It's got to get better soon!
  16. Kokanee Kid

    American 4/6/12

    Madi is my hero worthy12
  17. Kokanee Kid

    American 4/6/12

    Pounded the water for about 4-5 hours today with the Kokanee Dominator and Medium D. Zero fish in the boat and only had 4 sniffs. Threw all kinds or gear in the water. And 15 minutes after we leave I get a pic of a nice one from (you know who you are) worthy12
  18. Kokanee Kid

    Spring Break Koke hunting.

    I will be on the water Friday am 101ok101
  19. Kokanee Kid

    Wounded Warrior Fishing Program

    It's all good. Been on base many times and I know the rules.
  20. Kokanee Kid

    Got a limit stick?

    Very nice, and I work with metal thumbsup