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  1. Kokanee Kid

    Wounded Warrior Fishing Program

    Got go and mess up the day with rules nananana It's all good KD and I are ALL IN!!!!
  2. Kokanee Kid

    Yet another dumb question - hoochies

    I'm the same have more crap than I need, DB is way worse! Some guys run the squid short 8"-12" with heavy-er leader and the dodger gives it action. I don't do that tho. I use a 15" leader and use spinner blade in front of the squid. It works ok.
  3. Kokanee Kid

    Yet another dumb question - hoochies

    I'd ask where are you fishing? I'm just curious. And I would also ask why cange? If it aint broke don't fix it! Most of us up here use 1.5" mini squid. Depends where you live as to where you can get them. And some of us rig them up different. Like DB rig's his different than I do and we both...
  4. Kokanee Kid

    American Lake 04-01-2012

    Way to go get one old man thumbsup I'd rather be doing what you did than being sick 101thumbsdown101
  5. Kokanee Kid

    Wounded Warrior Fishing Program

    Right on brother thumbsup I have never seen anyone fish for perch like you do! And it works killer too!!! See you on the water soon.
  6. Kokanee Kid

    American Lake 3/24/2012

    Well, we saw water that was 44-46 deg and I was fishing in a sleeveless t-shirt for most of the time thumbsup
  7. Kokanee Kid

    American 3.24.2012

    The Kokanee Dominator and I were on the hunt today. Recent reports a grim, but if ya got to go, then go! After launching we rig up and set out our gear. Maybe 30 second later "KD" yells "Here we go"! I think no &*%$#@! WAY! And look over to see his tica super ultra light bent over hard. After a...
  8. Kokanee Kid

    Wounded Warrior Fishing Program

    The kokanee dominator and I will also take 2. You pick the date and we will make it happen! I'm guna try to get some free t-shirts or hats from Pautzke. And eenakoK is going to try to get some from RMT. I will see what I can come up with. May need some t-shirt sizes tho.
  9. Kokanee Kid

    American Lake-Monday

    Best of luck. Water is still a little cold, but on the other hand the fish have to eat.
  10. Kokanee Kid

    Kokanee Nation

    eenakoK, Your just happy your hero has a job and does not end up homless! 101ok101
  11. Kokanee Kid

    Wounded Warrior Fishing Program

    The Kokanee Dominator and I would be happy to get some vet's on fish! Count us in! A little south of Tacoma.
  12. Kokanee Kid

    Downrigger color

    I think not.
  13. Kokanee Kid

    Finally Here...

    Duane, glad you found us. I am looking forward to fishing with you and the DOMINATOR! Get ready it's coming soon. Temp. is a little low still and the crap weather is not helping.
  14. Kokanee Kid

    Fishin with Kokonuts

    thumbsup Glad to see you got out.
  15. Kokanee Kid

    Lake Meridian/Lake Sawyer

    I fished meridian a bit about three years ago. Lot's of kokes that are small to average size. Easy limits was the norm when I fished there. Most of our fishing was on the boat ramp side about halfway down the lake. And most of that area was inside the markers to middle of the lake. We did well...
  16. Kokanee Kid

    Washington Local

    Welcome, see ya on the water!
  17. Kokanee Kid

    American Lake Report 03/02/12

    Thank's for the report.
  18. Kokanee Kid

    Fishing at Merwin

    Very nice 101goodpost101
  19. Kokanee Kid

    Merwin 2-19

    laugh hyst
  20. Kokanee Kid

    Lets Get KPOW Started!

    Got another for the board of directors. You have my number, give me a call.