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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. jekern1015

    motor hours

    Thanks for the replies. I am leaning towards a boat with an outboard over an inboard, leaves more room in the boat. I was unaware of the carburetor factor in newer used inboards as I.m trying to stay within 10 yrs old max. The boat I have my eyes on right now has a 225 verado with 357 hours on...
  2. jekern1015

    motor hours

    I am looking to buy a bigger boat, most likely a used one. How many hours on the motor before I should be concerned. 300-500 acceptable? Thanks
  3. jekern1015

    BRATS Dates

    As the world turns so does my hours at work. I will no longer be joining in on the fun due to the revolving schedule I currently hold. Hope everyone has a safe and fun trip.
  4. jekern1015

    BRATS Dates

    Right at the moment the schedule says I have that weekend free. Will I need an Idaho reciprocal stamp to fish and if so where can I get one.
  5. jekern1015

    Labor Day weekend report

    We had the same results this weekend. We didn't arrive until just before dark on Sat. night at Anvil. We fished Sunday in the pipeline area for a few hours and managed one little koke and one small laker. We were down around the bend from the pipeline when the winds kicked up, took us what...
  6. jekern1015

    Going to be some mad people

    Thanks for the heads up. How was the fishing and how deep were they running, if you don't mind me asking.
  7. jekern1015

    Headin up Labor day

    PM sent Good luck
  8. jekern1015

    Headin up Labor day

    I am headed up for the Labor Day weekend, any one else going as well. I am thinking of Anvil but might head up to Buckboard as well.
  9. jekern1015

    Tuna Time

    I headed out of H&M Landing for an overnight tuna trip. Fishing started off slow but things picked up a little later in the day. I managed to bring 2 yellowfin tuna and a small yellowtail in, I had one cut off and lost another. I was on board the Sea Adventure 2, the weather was nothing but a...
  10. jekern1015

    Berry kokes 7-27

    Sure hope I can find them Sat. morning for a couple of vets. Those look like some nice fish, thanks for posting.
  11. jekern1015

    How long is your rod?

    They are spinning rods, but that first guide is the smallest first guide of all my other spinning outfits.
  12. jekern1015

    How long is your rod?

    My wife and I picked up 2 of the Berkly dough bait rods in UL action at Walmart for 34.99 each. One is 7'6' and the other is 8'. They are a 2 piece rod and so far we really like them.
  13. jekern1015

    Strawberry 7/10

    When I have taken fish home to clean, I throw everything in the freezer until trash day. I now have a somewhat of a filet knife on board the boat so I can never forget to bring it. I try to keep my camera next to my fishfinder to help in not forgetting it, but I'd be lying if I said I never...
  14. jekern1015

    Stopping vs Not Stopping When You Hook Up With A Fish

    We always stop the forward motion of the boat by taking it out of gear whenever we catch a fish. We have tried to keep on going, but have always lost most of the fish. As far as reeling in the other gear we just let it sink to the bottom, and on occasion as soon as we start back up we get...
  15. jekern1015

    The DAV Fishing event needs your help.

    This has always been a great event and I for one am proud to be a volunter at this event. I have already signed up. Take a vet fishing and you'll be doing some good for not only the vet you fish with but yourself as well.
  16. jekern1015

    On the Road

    Good Luck!! Day trips to the gorge can be tough, but well worth it.
  17. jekern1015

    strawberry 06-21-14

    Looks like you all had a great time as well.
  18. jekern1015

    Strawberry 6-20--22

    We fished out of the Soldier creek marina over the weekend. The Koke bite is still on. We caught fish all three days we were there. Friday we caught 3 kokes and a couple of cutts in the 2+ hours we fished before dark. Drank to many beers friday so we didn't get started until after 10 am on Sat...
  19. jekern1015

    fathers day at the berry

    The sucess you have been having at the Berry has me thinking I should head up there this weekend instead of heading back to the gorge. Love the pics as well.
  20. jekern1015

    Flaming Gorge trip

    Sounds like you had a great time, I'm trying to go back up in a couple of weeks. Great report.