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  1. jekern1015

    fishing apps

    We are finally upgrading to one of those fancy iphones and curious what kind of apps that would be useful that everyone uses. I know there is one for knot wars, what else is out there.
  2. jekern1015

    Happy thanksgiving

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING and be safe during the holidays.
  3. jekern1015

    Castin' and Blastin' Fall 2013

    Great pics, looks like a great way to end the year.
  4. jekern1015

    Got your Thanksgiving menu planned?

    I can't give you a report as to what will be on the table due to the fact that we will probabaly be at one of the buffets in Wendover, NV.. I sure hope they have a real turkey and some stuffin to go along with some pumkin pie.
  5. jekern1015

    Bad news for the gorge

    Could be one way to rid the lake of burbots, large lakers and eventually recreationists to give those clowns along the front range to get there water.
  6. jekern1015

    1/2 day trip

    We are spending the week in San Diego and I was able to get out for a 1/2 day trip. We fished off the coast and caught numerous rockfish. I did manage to catch a 4.6 lb brown rockfish that ended up being the jackpot winner. There were 10 people on the boat and it was a balmy 77*. The deckhand...
  7. big rockfish

    big rockfish

    4.6 lb brown rockfish
  8. jekern1015

    The website is up and running. Looks like it will be a 2 weekend event this year for one price. I for one am excited about this years event. See you all on the 15th of Nov..
  9. jekern1015

    Utah lake

    Took a trip out to Utah Lake today. We fished by the pumphouse where my buddy managed to catch a nice 2lb channel, a carp and a white bass perfect for bait size. We then motored over to Pelican point and my buddy lost what I believe was another big carp just after we anchored. My wife and I...
  10. jekern1015

    2013-2014 burbot bash

    I was looking for some info on the next burbot bash and this is what I found: Burbot Bash at Flaming Gorge Name:Burbot Bash at Flaming Gorge Date:November 15, 2013 - January 26, 2014 Event Description: Tagged Fish Prizes 1-$25,000 Fish 2-$10,000 Fish 1-$5,000 Fish Most Fish Caught...
  11. jekern1015

    Bear Lake Utah/Idaho

    I will try for the 5th. We have never fished that lake before so we may need some directions as far as boat ramps go. The potluck sounds good to me.
  12. jekern1015

    Now that koke season has closed on the gorge

    Back in June my wife and I managed a limit of smaller kokes. We didn't get to make another trip until late July and aug. where we managed a big ol skunk for three different trips. This year will definably be a memorable one, unfortunately not pleasant memories. Overall I would say the fishing...
  13. jekern1015

    The final blow

    Thanks for all the well wishes. My parents felt bad and decided to send me some smoked salmon from the honey smoked fish company. Dad says this was alot cheeper than doing it yourself.
  14. jekern1015

    Here we go again

    Have a safe and great trip. Breeze hill was still putting out fish acording to the fish cops we met on Sat..
  15. jekern1015

    Good Trout Fishing Utah

    Sounds like a great trip. Thanks for the report
  16. jekern1015

    The final blow

    Headed up to the gorge sat. morning for what was going to be 3 fun filled days of fishing, someone else told us not a chance. I replaced the plugs in my kicker before we left but failed to start it at home. Launched the boat on saturday and motored over to where we were going to start trolling...
  17. jekern1015

    1 more time

    I have the green light from my wife and will be heading back up on Sat.. We plan on staying around the Buckboard area but we may move down towards the pipeline area. I can't end the season on a skunk and am hoping my luck will turn around. We will be in a Minnie Winnie motorhome and fishing out...
  18. jekern1015

    Gorge 8/25

    Last week I kinda of threw out a cry for help and pizzaman answered. I met in Evanston, WY and we headed over to the Gorge to teach me how to catch Kokes. We fished the area he said was called breeze hill. He managed to put 5 kokes in the boat and lost a couple of more. My wife and I never got a...
  19. jekern1015

    Calling all members that never post, please read.

    SuperD, I for one go to this forum 1st during the koke season. This is the only forum that I post reports on. I read all the gorge and Utah reports. I look in at the general, off topic and recipe pages when something new appears. I only post on other threads on KFF if I have anything to say...
  20. jekern1015

    Late Gorge trip report

    We fished The Gorge this past weekend 8-17,18. From the other reports that were posted I beleive we don't know what we are doing. We started out fishing the anvil area. My wife caught a nice rainbow right off the bat and that was it. We marked fish all over but could find no takers. About 9:30am...