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  1. jekern1015

    Report 16-17 Aug 13

    We stopped by A-20 around 4pm on saturday but that campsite was empty. We fished the pipeline from about 10am to 1pm. We managed to catch a couple of macs and one koke.
  2. jekern1015

    Gorge trip

    Looks like we will be up at Anvil that weekend. Hopefully we can meet up and swap stories.
  3. jekern1015


    Spent the weekend up in Vancouver Canada for my sister in laws funeral. I was able to get out for a few hours Sunday morning. I hooked up with Bonnie Lee charters and our guides name was Terry. We did a 5 hour trip and managed to get limits of pinks. We also were able to get a small coho and had...
  4. jekern1015

    This Kokanee thing is getting addictive ....FIRST LIMIT!

    Good job on the limit. I know I for one don't get a limit at least half the time I go fishing. OK maybe once a year I get a limit.
  5. jekern1015

    Wyo AIS inspection

    I don't believe the inspection stations sell the AIS stickers. I bought mine in manila at the grocery store.
  6. jekern1015

    July 7-11, 2013 Trip of a Lifetime, Part One

    Great pic's looks like you had a great time. Thanks for the report.
  7. jekern1015

    Gorge 7-15-13

    Nice looking koke, thanks for the report.
  8. jekern1015

    Strawberry again

    We saw alot of fish between 30' and 60'. Last week orange was a good color first thing in the morning and then pink later on. Sunday we had no strikes on what worked for us last week. Our first fish hit an orange and white kripplure behind a KCT shattered dodger set at 35' around 10 am. Our...
  9. jekern1015

    Strawberry again

    We hit Strawberry again sunday for some slow action on the kokes. We managed to get 2 in the boat with one rainbow and half a dozen or so cutt's. We fished the Soldier creek side. I think next week we will try Starvy for some walleye and then we will be back at Strawberry for the DAV event.
  10. jekern1015

    Utah side of FG

    I have noticed that when the ball is as deep as 40' or more, I only let line out to the back of the boat then clip to the rigger. Being that deep the shorter setback of 10' max seems to bring my catch rate up.
  11. jekern1015

    Flaming Gorge Catch Report- 7/11/13

    Good looking catch. Thanks for the report.
  12. jekern1015

    Day Trip 7-09-2013

    Sounds like a great trip. I have taken a few day trips and they do take there toll on you, most noticeably on the way home.
  13. jekern1015

    Buckboard 7-3/7-7

    Glad to hear the Gorge treated you good. Thanks for the report.
  14. jekern1015

    7/6/13 on the Gorge

    Nice looking kokes you got there. Thanks for the report.
  15. jekern1015

    smoking fish

    As I was prepping my Salmon for the smoker this morning I was wondering why I always smoke my fish whole. My question is , does anyone smoke their salmon as fillets? The worst part about eating salmon is always picking out the bones, for me anyways. Do you leave the skin on when smoking them...
  16. jekern1015


    We fished Strawberry on the 4th of July and couldn't get anything but rainbows and cutt's. We launched from the Aspen Grove boat ramp and trolled all over cutt's were in 50' - 55' of water and rainbows were hitting everything in 30' or less. We went back on Sunday and launched from the same boat...
  17. jekern1015

    Howdy to all from a Kokanee virgin

    Buckboard Marina is about 20 miles or so from Green River, launch from there. Get out on to the lake and head south look for a concentration of boats trolling. I would guess the kokanee are down in about 60feet of water or there abouts. Use something pink wether it be a squid,spoon,spinner...
  18. jekern1015

    Wyo AIS inspection

    Here is a couple of pic's of the lock I received.
  19. jekern1015

    Kokanee action on the Utah End

    The grocery store in Manila sells everything.