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  1. jekern1015


    We fished the Soldier Creek side of Strawberry yesterday with slow results. We got on the water at about 7:30 in the morning and were off by 11 am. We caught the smaller kokes in 35' of water and the biggest in 50' of water. We also managed 3 cuttthroats in 50' of water. Water temp was 64.
  2. jekern1015

    Last weekend 6/22 on the Gorge

    Nice looking fish, after seeing all these fish a day trip on the 4th may be coming up.
  3. jekern1015

    FG here we come!

    Looks like everyone had a good time. Thanks for the pic's.
  4. jekern1015

    Father's Day at the Gorge

    Those are some nice looking fish you have there.
  5. jekern1015

    Willard's Back

    Fished Willard Bay today with my wife from 6am until 2 this afternoon and all we managed to put in the boat was 2 channels. Everything that worked the last 2 weeks failed us today and so did everything else in the tackle box. Although that last 2 weeks were not the norm for us we just couldn't...
  6. jekern1015

    Sent chambers

    For what its worth I have a downrigger ball that has a scent chamber in it. I pour the PRO-CURE in it and it leaks out via a thread that hangs out the bottom. I haven't noticed a big difference in catch rates though.
  7. jekern1015

    Chasing Musky

    Nice looking fish, looks like a great day to be on the water.
  8. jekern1015

    FG here we come!

    Good Luck, I won't be able to make it up until the 1st weekend in Aug..
  9. jekern1015

    Father's Day at the Gorge

    I for one can't wait to see the pics. I wish I could have made it up there for the weekend, sounds like the fishing and weather were perfect.
  10. jekern1015

    Fish Consumption advisories

    My wife and I have had a couple of good weeks fishing and we were wondering about the fish consumption adviserys. June 7 we ate a small koke from the gorge June 8 we smoked the rest of the kokes and ate them for dinner June 9 and 10 we ate walleye for dinner that we caught from Willard June...
  11. jekern1015

    Willard again

    We launched at 5:30 with one other boat at the ramp. The boat traffic was easily half what it was the week before. I can say the traffic where I was fishing was heavier, but I think that may have to do with last weeks post. Super D I would have no problems taking you fishing for walleye and...
  12. jekern1015

    Willard again

    Hit willard again for Fathers Day the morning was slow but we did manage a few. Found three walleye's in 8' of water about 9 or so and then my electric motor quit. We fired up the trolling motor and went looking for wipers. We trolled between 2 and 2.5 mph managed to get one more cat two more...
  13. jekern1015

    Willard Bay

    We fished Willard bay this morning from 5:30 to about 1 this afternoon. We trolled bottom bouncers in front of the feedlot in 6' of water doing 1 mph. From 7 to about 9:30 we boated 8 walleye's and lost a few more on the way in. Fishing for us completely died after 9:30, in hindsight we should...
  14. jekern1015

    Quick day trip

    My wife and I headed up for a quick day trip on Friday (6-7). We fished just outside of the Anvil Draw boat ramp. We caught 2 koke's that weighed in at 2 lbs and kept 4 others that weighed in at just under 1 1/2 lbs. We caught the 2 biggest ones on a orange splatter blade squid from KCT at 25'...
  15. jekern1015

    Salmon confidential

    I copied this from another website, very informative if you have the time to watch it.
  16. jekern1015

    Hard Steering

    We used my buddys Triton fish and ski boat yesterday and he let me drive. I have a few questions on how his boat handled. The steering reminded me of back in the days with out power steering, is it supposed to be a chore to steer the boat. He has a mercury 115 4-stroke. Another thing I noticed...
  17. jekern1015

    Utah Lake cats

    Went up to Pelican point on Utah Lake yesterday and had an eventfull morning catching catfish. We ended up bringing home 10 cats with the biggest just under 4 pounds and the smallest just over a pound, majority were in the just under to just over 3 pound mark. We tried...
  18. jekern1015

    Derby winning Fish

    Two more weeks I can't wait. I hope I can catch a fish that looks like that. Way to go.
  19. jekern1015

    Who else is heading to the Gorge this weekend?

    I'm still a couple of weeks a way before I can make it. Good Luck
  20. jekern1015

    Boaters beware !!!

    There is no charge for decontamination in Utah. You would have to contact DWR foe answers to your other questions.