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  1. kokanee kombine

    maybe a wall hanger?

    the fish next to him are a 14 and a 15 wife soaks the corn for 2 weeks in scent.she did a great job netting him but asked for help lifting the net into the kombine.
  2. kokanee kombine

    maybe a wall hanger?

    good day at wallowa.working on our limit of 13 to 16 inchers when this guy attacked a green hoochie on the dr.26 inches,6 lbs.6 oz. we sent him straight to the freezer with guts and all.he would look nice next to our sons whitetail buck.what would you all do?
  3. kokanee kombine

    Boat dock Wallowa Lake?

    we used the same inlet and tied up to the trees,but last summer they pulled an old dock in there,so we tied up to it for lunch.came back with a warning ticket on our boat!everybody wants a chunk of the have to have a res at the campground to res the boat dock.21 ft max and you can hardly...
  4. kokanee kombine

    roosevelt water level?

    thanks for the info.we are not going till the last weekend in june,we are going to wait a while before canceling our res.
  5. kokanee kombine

    roosevelt water level?

    anybody know whats up with reservations for june at fort spokane,my brother in law lives in davenport and drives truck to kettle falls daily and says the water is 70 to 80 feet below the docks.could be repairing the dam,do they have a date to have it back to capacity,and what about...
  6. kokanee kombine

    Easter Weekend Wallowa Lake

    thanks for the pm,we bbq kokes at least once or twice a week and share with tasting fish period.glad to hear you had success.we are going sunday,try some trolling if not= jig.
  7. kokanee kombine

    "the lake"

    washington boys have "that"lake,so here is a report from "the" if everybody knows where it is.took the wife out,on the lake by 10,caught our limit of 10 over 12 by 20.5,four 17 to 18 inches,the rest 13 to 15.all caught on beaver orange and white jigs off the bottom in 110 foot...
  8. kokanee kombine

    wallowa march kokes

    by the way,look what happend today! the wife and i limited out using BEAVER ORANGE and white jigs and thats no QUACK!
  9. kokanee kombine

    wallowa march kokes

    kokaneekid,you are right on the mark.go beav' the way,the kokanee kombine doesn't allow duck fan's aboard unless they supply all the food and drinks!
  10. kokanee kombine

    wallowa march kokes

    we live less than an hour from the lake,north of enterprise.we were in108 ft of water,jigging on the bottom.
  11. kokanee kombine

    wallowa march kokes

    took family and friends out to wallowa lake on 3/19.caught our limit in 2 and a half hours before the snow and wind blew us off.all were caught with orange and white jigs with corn and scent.sizes of 10 to 18 inches.
  12. kokanee kombine


    october 1956
  13. kokanee kombine

    wallowa feb kokes

    we used 3/4 oz kokanaters and nordics,orange and white and pink and white with 2 week soaked corn and smelly jelly.
  14. kokanee kombine

    wallowa feb kokes

    fished wallowa lake on 2/19.took our son and a couiple friends out while the girls put on a baby shower for our daughter.jigged at 145 feet on the bottom.we boated 21,mostly 13-15 inches.snowed all day but it was still a great is a couple pics.
  15. kokanee kombine

    Describe your Ultimate Kokanee Boat

    my ideal boat would be our 21ft snake river jet with a 150 honda ob,built in 5 day cooler filled with ice cold kokanee beer.her name is kokanee kombine and we live 1 hour from wallowa lake!
  16. kokanee kombine

    wallowa to roosevelt

    hey all,planning a mid summer trip to roosevelt for 1 hour from wallowa lake our whole lives,we love koke fishing and have family that live in davenport.any tips would be welcome,our plan is to camp at fort spokane.have downriggers,flahers,hoochies,scented corn,beer,and food.merry xmas!
  17. kokanee kombine

    wallowa sept kokes

    fished the lake yesterday,caught 10 keepers and released 2 spawners plus 2 large rainbows.most of the spawners are up the river.looks like next year should be good again.
  18. kokanee kombine

    Wallowa report

    last time on the lake was 6-30,we caught several 10 inchers,lost 1 15 and caught one 19 with uv hoochie on downrigger at 42 feet.hope this helps a litte.
  19. kokanee kombine

    New World Record!!!?

    world record hey pimpler,you are father in law who lives in josrph was at the store at weighin and saw the fish along with half the town.he said it came in at 9 lbs,10 ounces .guess we will find out,we are headed to the lake for a couple days this after noon.the guy said he lost one...
  20. kokanee kombine

    2 more days

    hope you guys have a little luck and save some for us you already know, make sure your boats are cleaned of any invasive mussels.ect.we will be at the lake memorial weekend to fish with visiting family.enjoy our lake!