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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. DRM

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    I finally built me a 7 1/2 and 8 foot super ultra light rods. Going to the long wimpy rods seam to help me out the most. I have all kinds of hooks and a lot of different styles and the fished do not come un-pinned. My $0.02
  2. DRM

    Fish finder and new trolling motor

    I just put an 1199si on my boat and had the first trip out last Saturday... I am loving the big screen. Every graph company has its own little gimmick, but they all will see the bottom, fish, GPS, tracking ect ect. Get the biggest screen that you can afford or are will to pay for. I know that...
  3. DRM

    What lures do you use at what depth?

    I would agree with Kokanee5. I like to use pink or Orange hoochies. The dodgers I use are either all silver, gold. The sling blade that you show, I would get one in pink or Orange. Use short leader behind the dodgers. My go to speed at AR or LP is 1.9 mph. lots of S turns. As well as the...
  4. DRM

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    I'm wondering the same thing. Any guess on the size this year... 4 to 6 pounds ? Should be getting big enough to put a hurt'n on your kokanee rod.
  5. DRM

    Lucky Peak, ArrowRock

    LP produces koks all year as long as you can get a boat in and out.
  6. DRM

    Lucky Peak, ArrowRock

    now would be a good time for you to go and look at Arrowrock. You need to see all the shelves and islands, so you do not run aground like I see 2 or 3 people do each year. I have not been up there for about 3 weeks now but water should still be low enough to see what you need to. Just my 2...
  7. DRM

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    There was a small accident involving the boat. waiting for the insurance company to remove it.
  8. DRM

    DI vs. SI

    I would have to agree with SD. I was going to get the new Helix SI, could not wait till the store had one. well then I looked at the screen size and changed my mind. Glad I waited, Now I can get the helix 7 for a few more dollars... but still thinking about the 8 series. All I know for...
  9. DRM

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    well did not make it to Anderson, drove to Mt. Home and seen the lighting and black rain clouds over in the area, turned around and went to LP. even the LP fish are starting to turn.
  10. DRM

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Thinking of heading to Anderson tomorrow. I heard that the kok's are starting to turn ?? fact or fiction. Anyone......
  11. DRM

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    When im hooking up a dodger and hoochie combo, I will set the trolling speed, stick the rod tip down into the water and see just how much action the hoochie has. not enough, bend the dodger or shorten the leader until I get the action I like. how much action ?? I will start out with the...
  12. DRM

    Walleye Worm Harness

    I went down to Salmon Falls Creek Res last month to try my hand at Walleye. Took the afternoon to figure out what they wanted ( and a pair of bino's helped laugh hyst ). Used a jig head with 2 inch curly tail. Did not get the chance to try the worm harnesses that was purchased, maybe next...
  13. DRM

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Hit LP last night to see in the Kok's would bite. Fished for about 3 hours and brought 14 big ol fatties home. Set the riggers at 30 feet when the shadows hit the water, with sling blades and pink. 8 others came un-pinned either at the boat or shortly after hitting. Not sure what happened...
  14. DRM

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Went up last Thursday just to get the family out. Trolled around the big bay between the LP dam and Spring Shores. Fished for about and hour, hooked up with four and landed three. ( could not reel the double in). but that was last week.
  15. DRM

    New for 2015

    What or where did you get the bodies ? or the name Nice looking stuff.
  16. DRM

    Help finding Squids

    Howard's ??
  17. DRM

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Have not been back since last Friday, but I will stick with my pink. :) I did ok with it, imho.
  18. DRM

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Try to add the picture again.
  19. DRM

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Well finally hit Arrowrock for the first time this year Friday night. Had great weather and the fishing was not to bad either. Not bad for a few hours of fishing.thumbsup Good to see the fish are still nice and fat. None measured under 17 1/2.
  20. Arrowrock 61215

    Arrowrock 61215
