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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. sawdustsavage

    Wallowa Lake trip of a life time for crjahn

    Awsome, Now I really cant wait. Good job.
  2. sawdustsavage

    Wallowa lake

    101flip101101flip101 I was hoping the water would be too cold. Maybe the gas price will deter themlaugh hyst Next year I will get there earlier. Will just have to deal with it. I hear the jet skis shut it off cold. Is that true. If so I may have to fish early and late. Does the wind come up in...
  3. sawdustsavage

    Will Large Commercial Businesses End Sport Fishing Acess to Lakes and Rivers?

    tariffs I agree. I think some people should lose their government jobs or and retirements for ever giving tax breaks to companies that move jobs offshore. They tell me we can't impose tariffs because that would be protectionism. I cry Bull**** to that. The reason we can't impose tariffs is...
  4. sawdustsavage

    Will Large Commercial Businesses End Sport Fishing Acess to Lakes and Rivers?

    invasive species 101goodpost101 I would go a step farther. I would impose a tarriff on all commercial vessels entering the state. Let them help pay for the cleanup of all these species.
  5. sawdustsavage

    Three too many beers

    wonder if his boat insurance went up.101flip101101flip101101flip101 Ihope so. A drunk driving ticket should be in order since hes on dry land.laugh hyst
  6. sawdustsavage

    Will Large Commercial Businesses End Sport Fishing Acess to Lakes and Rivers?

    What we need for future generations 101hearyeWhy gamble on it. Treat your boat like your fishing life depends on it. IT DOES. These pesky little critters all but ruined lots of lakes back east. Some of our smaller lakes could be ruined in a relatively short period of time. They make Rabbits...
  7. sawdustsavage

    More KFF apearal intrest

    I.ll do a couple hats. let me know the particulars.
  8. sawdustsavage

    Lure Making is Spendy!

    I always said excess in all things. Moderation is for monks101idea101
  9. sawdustsavage

    New World Record!!!?

    Thank You for your kind words
  10. sawdustsavage

    Wallowa Lake yielding another unofficial world-record kokanee

    Bigger than any I caught in Alaska. Congratulations.
  11. sawdustsavage

    New World Record!!!?

    Thank you to all of you. The concern for this fishery shows that a great many of you hold this place near and dear. Thats awsome. I had the privelige to fish one of the greastest BIG FISH steelhead streams there ever was as a young man. It to was remote and not very heavily fished. Remote in...
  12. sawdustsavage

    Wallowa lake

    Wallowa Leave 1 or 2 for me. Let me know whats hot and whats not when you get back please. Rip some lips John
  13. sawdustsavage

    Wallowa lake

    Wallowa Sorry I am so slow replying. My puter died101shock1101 I'm glad to see you fish like I do. Enjoying life is what it's all about. I got some crappy news from my wonderfull city government. Seems like after waiting going on 3 yrs to get all the crap done to elevate my house after flood...
  14. sawdustsavage

    Wallowa In Early June

    Sounds like a great time. i can't wait to get there.
  15. sawdustsavage

    Wallowa lake

    I would be glad to give you guys a ride. I'm not positive yet if I will be there those dates. I am in the middle of raising my house after flood 07. Never ever thought it would take this long. RED TAPE SUCKS. Keep in touch tho I hope to get most of the month there. You arn't getting a great...
  16. sawdustsavage

    Riffe Lake, WA 6.12.2010

    Where Where is riffle lake?
  17. sawdustsavage

    Wallowa lake

    Thanks, I will be happy just enjoying the time on the water. Of course a king sized dose of Omega-3 in one pill would be awsome.
  18. sawdustsavage

    Wallowa lake

    I will be at wallowa most of july if not all. If any of you see a pontoon boat going in circles and a white haired dude kicking the console please say hello.I figured since I had never caught a Kokanee I just as well start with a new record.signfishin That or find out I am a little over...
  19. sawdustsavage

    Paulina 6/8

    Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr awesomereport When does spring get here.
  20. sawdustsavage


    101goodpost101Thanks. I ordered a black box. Found one cheaper later.101duh101 never fails. I think the next time I will order but not send it. Then buy the cheaper one.laugh hyst