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  1. sawdustsavage


    101goodpost101I am glad to hear that. I thought about it and ordered one. Thanks so much for the info.
  2. sawdustsavage


    I have walker electric downriggers
  3. sawdustsavage

    Wallowa In Early June

    101cheers101I would like to know how you do. Also the gear and presentation. I will be there for the month of July. I have never fished it before. I can use all the help I can get. I was going to rent a cabin for a week. found a house for a month for about the same as the weekly rate. Seemed...
  4. sawdustsavage


    How do you guys feel about the blackbox for the downriggers? fact or fiction. Sounds reasonable but have never known anyone that used them. I would like a little input before I spend that much on one.:confused: Once again Thank You for your help John
  5. sawdustsavage


    101welcomw Good luck. This is a great place and a bunch of nice people more than willing to help you.101cheers101 I am in just about the same stage as you. Downriggers and electronics mounted and getting ready for my maiden trip. Like you I have grown up on the other great fish in our area. I...
  6. sawdustsavage


    Thanks for the info. I appreciate it. John
  7. sawdustsavage


    That's great to know. I bought a luhr Jensen speed indicator. That seemed to be one that was simple and worked. I'm glad to hear the small dodgers will work O.K. I have always leaned toward the smallest lure or attractor that worked in all my fishing. Thanks for yhe great info.
  8. sawdustsavage

    Most pain you've ever experienced?

    Well pilgrim I know what your talking about. after 35 yrs falling timber when a DR. ask me if I have ever broken a bone I always ask him if I can tell him the ones still unbroken. Shorter list. Still the torn bicep and X torn rotor cuff ranks right up there with broken bones and ruptured...
  9. sawdustsavage


    More great advice. Thank you
  10. sawdustsavage

    New State and U.S. Record

    101goodpost101AWSOME, Very generous information as well. Thank you. You inspire a 68 yr, old newbie.awesomereport
  11. sawdustsavage

    Lowrance X97 Fishfinder

    Thanks I will try them.
  12. sawdustsavage

    Lowrance X97 Fishfinder

    Great Just what I wanted to know. The blue conectors I understand but are all the transducers with a blue connector the same? I have found a ton of blue connector ones. Diffrent angles and out put. All the sites that had transducers for the X97 were out of stock. They were all 20 degrees...
  13. sawdustsavage


    Good info as always Thanks I have been going in that direction. I'm sure I have bit on a few that the fish won't bite on but thats part of the game. Who knows what will be hot tomm. I am just trying to build up a variety just in case. I like the light weight idea. I kind of planned on dodgers...
  14. sawdustsavage


    The good reading wouldn't load Thanks anyyway.
  15. sawdustsavage


    Thanks that does help.
  16. sawdustsavage

    Lowrance X97 Fishfinder

    I contacted lowrance. Waiting for a response. Thanks
  17. sawdustsavage

    New guy from WY.

    welcome 101welcome You will get a lot of good info hear. They even enjoy giving it i think101cheers101 Good luck with the Kokes. I am just about to get my feet wet as well.101jason101
  18. sawdustsavage

    Lowrance X97 Fishfinder

    thanks Thanks for the info. BTW are they anygood? Kinda late too ask I geuss but I would still like to know. If not I wont throw good money after bad.worthy12
  19. sawdustsavage

    Lowrance X97 Fishfinder

    violin I bought a used Lowrance X97 fish finder. I bought it on Ebay from a buyer I have done business with and trust. I over looked the fact it didn't have a transducer or wiring harness.101duh I was wondering if any others will interchange or if anyone knows where to find them. I am...
  20. sawdustsavage

    Rookie, but not really

    That sounds great, just putting the finishing touches on boat and tackle. Then we will let the fun begin. Thank you for the input.101goodpost101 jOHN