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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. H

    Its that time again- What are you doing in the off season for next year?

    I've been brooming snow off the boat cover. Is it spring yet?
  2. H

    David Triplett

    Hi, sir, and welcome to the forum. Maybe we'll cross paths on the local lakes. Good luck with tomorrow's snow...first one of the season always brings out the entertaining drivers.
  3. H

    Ice fishing in southern Idaho

    So I'm fairly new to southern Idaho... any recommendations for ice fishing lakes to hit? We live about an hour east of Boise off I-84, and something within a few hours drive would be nice. Just hoping to get out and enjoy the winter a bit while waiting for the spring thaw and getting the boat...
  4. H

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Thanks for the much needed chuckle.
  5. H

    Lake contour maps, printed?

    USGS maps might do the trick. Or save a picture file from an online map and have a copy shop (like Kinkos) print it on large sheets and laminate for you. Here's a link to a Lucky Peak map. Unzoom and recenter to find whatever lake you're interested in...
  6. H

    CJ Strike, nice end to the season

    It's time to get focused on hunting, so yesterday the boat made its last trip this season out on CJ Strike, ID. Was a pretty good trip... caught a few smallmouth, some crappie, some perch, and trolled up a couple rainbows to round out the day. None of the fish were biting spectacularly, but I...
  7. H

    Kicker advice

    Guess I've been ignoring changes in the boating world for a few years and haven't seen a TR1 before. Checked out some specs and there's a pretty neat video of one being used in waves and keeping course very well. Think I'll upgrade boats before I spend that kind of cash though. If money weren't...
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    Kicker advice

    Hawgon, nice. What's the bracket on the port side of the 8's lower unit?
  9. H

    Kicker advice

    Hawgon, can you repost the pic? The attachment doesn't seem to work.
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    Kokanee newb

    Admitting it is always a good first step. :)
  11. H

    Kicker advice

    Thanks, Bogey. Good stuff to think about. I guess I should mention I have a foot pedal controlled electric motor up front, but don't really like it. It doesn't hold direction very well if there are any waves or wind. What's worse is the shaft is barely long enough to reach below waterline; if I...
  12. H

    Kicker advice

    Bduck, it sounds like that's the optimal solution. Not sure the mrs. will let me spend that much, but a remote troll and a used 8 or 9.9 might be achievable. I hadn't thought about tying into the main fuel line to save an extra portable tank; good call. The more I look at 6 hp and below the less...
  13. H

    Kicker advice

    Attached are some pics of the stern of the boat showing where a kicker will be mounted, and the somewhat tight confines around the I/O shroud. Also, the silver brackets on the sides by the rear seats are where the downriggers mount, and rod handles tend to stick back into the boat if I use the...
  14. H

    Kicker advice

    Preferably used, but I'll go new if I can't find a decent used motor. All options are open between now and spring.
  15. H

    Kicker advice

    I'm looking to get a kicker motor for my 17 ft Weldcraft before next season and welcome any advice you have. The main things I'm looking at are reliability, quiet trolling, and preferably a tank attached to the engine so I don't have a tank/hose to mess with in the boat. Something in the 4-6 hp...
  16. H

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    So when does the kokanee fishing at Andersen pick back up again? We've been hitting the perch and crappies at Strike lately instead, but they're nowhere near as fun or tasty.
  17. H

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Anyone who ventured past the Mountain Home Country Music Festival to get to Andersen was either very brave, or utterly obsessed with kokes! I went to Lucky Peak instead (no luck, but it was a fun few hours getting in the way of a bazillion boarders and jet skis).
  18. H

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    That's awesome. I'll have to keep that in mind. Had thought about freezing the "cleaning mess" to reduce garbage can stink, but that's a more entertaining idea. Plus it's probably good for the lake... the nutrients from the scrap should help feed the plankton the kokes eat. I'd prefer to just...
  19. H

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Went out yesterday, 9-ish am to 2. Didn't have much luck, and hit all the places we've caught at before from Curlew to the dam. The depth finder had returns all over the water column, from 20 to 80, but couldn't find anything concentrated. The dock at Falls Creek is on dry land, and the end of...
  20. H

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    That must have been early in the day. We were up there a few hours Sat afternoon, and several boats that pulled out at the dam had nothing. We fished about 2 hours then got chased off by the thunderstorm, picked one up at 80 ft before opting to avoid the lightning. I'll be out early next Sat...