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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. H

    Legend of the Anderson Ranch Snowman

    There's a snowman decoration mounted to a tree at the south end of Anderson Ranch Reservoir. I've asked around and no one seems to know who put it there or why. So in the great tradition of fishermen everywhere, let's make stuff up. Anyone have a plausible but entertaining version of how the...
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    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    The surface water is pretty warm. I wonder how deep the 50-54 F range is now. Has anyone sampled the temperature at depth, or identified where the thermocline is recently? I couldn't make it out on my depth finder the other day. Also, the lake level is dropping. From those with experience...
  3. H

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    As I'm new to this area I can't offer much advice on the "where" advice part. That said, we've done okay launching at the dam and fishing the eastern side of the lake on both sides of the Little Camas Creek arm, and up around the powerlines. Just watch your depth around the points if you're deep...
  4. H

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    If you can afford electric cranks on a DR, it'll save some effort. I was cranking a heavy ball up from 80 feet a lot yesterday, and it's a workout. I hang some bling off the balls, yesterday had a gang troll on one and a big chrome flasher on the other, and did well wth setbacks of 20-30 ft. At...
  5. H

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Hit Anderson today (Sun) from 3:30-6:30 pm and landed 9 kokanee. Since I was solo, managing two downriggers, and netting my own I thought it was a good trip. Lost about 3 I couldn't get to quick enough. All were at depths of 72-80 ft. The first hour I fished 35-50 ft (was marking fish) without...
  6. H

    boating safety questions

    That boat can handle anything inland waters of the NW can throw at it. We used to fish Roosevelt in a 12' aluminum semi-v, and despite wind and whitecaps always made it back without getting very wet; it's all about how you approach the waves and work your way back to where you want to get. In...
  7. H

    Fishing nets...what are you using?

    We have a hiber-net. The netting retracts into the handle for easier storage, carrying, and in the boat it stows much nicer than a fixed hoop net, plus not having any net out most of the time keeps rigs from getting accidentally tangled in it. It's also awesome for hikes into salmon streams...
  8. H

    Silly drivers

    So I'm new to Idaho, and the way some skippers drive here makes me scratch my head. For example, while trolling on Anderson about 40 yards from shore multiple knuckleheads blasted through the gap between me and shore. If I had planer boards out they'd have run between my boat and the boards. Is...
  9. H

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Hit the dam end on Sat, and didn't find or hook into anything for the first two hours. Then we located stuff in the water at about 35 ft on the depth finder, and picked up double after double from about noon - 2 pm. Maybe it was the wind picking up and a bit of overcast moving in that helped. As...
  10. H

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Kinda funny, I described that parking job exactly the same way to my son. It's been crowded, but that's not a good place to abandon a rig for the day to get in everyone else's way.
  11. H

    Thanks from a lurker

    Been a periodic lurker for awhile, and learned enough here about how to fish kokanee to have a blast with my son our first trip out when we finally got a boat. To all those who have shared freely of their knowlege, thank you from a dad whose teenage son was all smiles last weekend on Anderson...