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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. rgarbar

    Week at Lake Nantahala

    Congratulations on your success. Great pictures. I caught a few on Gary System 1 set-ups in chartreuse and pink. I did best with pink and chartreuse apex and protroll kokanee killers. I had the same problem with the fish getting the "bends" pulling them up from deep water and not being able...
  2. rgarbar

    Trolling question/engine noise

    I use my 4 stroke gas engine to get to the area I want to fish. Once there I use the bow mounted electric troll motor. No exhaust fumes no engine noise. It just seems to make the trip more enjoyable.
  3. rgarbar

    First Kokanee at Nantahala Lake

    Couple of "Dixie Kokes" Had a good day Monday. Lost a "dandy". Thought it was all played out. When I slipped the net toward the fish it took off like a rocket and was gone. Down to my last line release. They keep falling apart(Cannons). Had to fabricate one with my ball and chain"s...
  4. rgarbar

    First Kokanee at Nantahala Lake

    Sorry for my brief replies. No internet at my place. Have to go into town. All my fish were caught between 35 and 50 feet. Marked schools to 56 feet. all fish were caught on downriggers. I kept everything simple. No scents, no glows no dodgers no shoe peg corn. I am still having issues...
  5. rgarbar

    First Kokanee at Nantahala Lake

    Here are a couple I caught Sunday. A 14" male and 15" female. Both were caught on a flourecent red pro troll kokanee killer. Could of had a few more but I was having issues with line releases.
  6. rgarbar

    First Kokanee at Nantahala Lake

    Caught my first kokanee. It was a 16 inch male and weighed 2lbs 3 oz. I have caught several more since. All fish were in the 14 to 16 inch range.
  7. rgarbar

    Finally !!!!!

    I have a white carolina skiff 14' DLX cc with a blue bimini top. Has a front seat and bow mount trolling motor. There is a similar boat a 17' DLX in the area. No bow mount. Will be heading back up to the lake on Thursday. Have some issues with the boat trailer, broke a spring on the bad...
  8. rgarbar

    Finally !!!!!

    No Kokes For Me Finally got to get out on Nantahala to fish. Had no success in 4 tries. Was plauged by lightning and my inexperience with deep water trolling. I also could not find the large schools I marked last summer. Did find a concentration of fish around little choga island at about...
  9. rgarbar

    Finally !!!!!

    Congratulations Harpoon! Leave a few for me.
  10. rgarbar

    Is it time yet ?

    Harpoon I will be heading up to Nantahala on May 19 with my Carolina skiff in tow. Hoping the water will begin to stratify by then. Unfortunately, up in Topton I have no internet service and cell phones do not work up there either. I am bringing up my laptop and when I visit Andrews NC there...
  11. rgarbar

    lake nantahala kokes?

    According to the NC fishing regs there is no closed season, no size or slot limit and a daily bag of 7 kokanee. I reckon they would be just about anywhere in the lake at this time of year. Last summer(July) I was marking the schools at 45' to 90' of water. They seemed to go deeper with the...
  12. rgarbar

    lake nantahala kokes?

    Be advised the dam/penstock has been fixed and the turbine replaced. The lake is currently at about 6' below full pool. Duke Energy plans no major future draw downs. This year will be my first attempt to catch a "dixie koke" at Nantahala. I did a lot of reading and research about them...
  13. rgarbar

    lake nantahala kokes?

    Thank you for your informative reply. I always suspected there might be some good sized trout lurking Nantahala. Guess they are fattening up on young kokanee. Seems most fisherman at the lake target the bass. I have seen some big ones but they all seem to have "lock jaw"! Well good luck in...
  14. rgarbar

    lake nantahala kokes?

    Thanks for your reply. I understand your position. One last question. Have you had any success with trout at Nantahala?
  15. rgarbar

    lake nantahala kokes?

    Thank you for your report on your success with Kokanee fishing at Nantahala. The picture of Ashely's NC record fish was one of the reasons I suddenly came down with a bad case of "kokanee fever". I summer at the lake and finally got a boat in the water. While exploring the lake I turned my...
  16. rgarbar

    lake nantahala kokes?

    Fyi news releases Another Swann Breaks Kokanee Salmon State Record Ashley Swann, of Swannanoa, holds up the newest freshwater fish state record, a 3-pound, 9-ounce kokanee salmon. MEDIA: A hi-res version of the image may be downloaded here. Please credit the N. C. Wildlife Resources...