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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. rgarbar

    Nantahala Kokanee 2016

    Nice map of Nantahala Lake stream beds and channels Nice map of Nantahala Lake stream beds.
  2. rgarbar

    Nantahala Kokanee 2016

    Hope You are getting better. Mark Hope your prognosis is good and you are making a fast recovery. Have not been out fishing lately as this is the worst time up here because of the 4th of July. Too many Jet skies, overpowered geezer barges towing rafts, fast bass boats etc. Fire works and...
  3. rgarbar

    Nantahala Kokanee 2016

    Welcome to the NC/Nantahala Lake Forum Welcome aboard. A very nice post. You sound like you know your kokes. Have you relocated to NC or are just on vacation? The fishing has been a bit slow this year but it could still open up. Hopefully your West coast techniques will be productive for...
  4. rgarbar

    Nantahala Kokanee 2016

    Fairly Good Day I am back at the lake. Went out yesterday morning for a few hours and caught 3 kokes. The were all in the 13" range and seemed to be 3 year immature fish. These fish will be in the 18" to 20+" range next year when they spawn. I have not caught a mature yet this year but have...
  5. rgarbar

    Nantahala Kokanee 2016

    I have not been up at Nantahala very much this season because of treatment for a long term health issueviolin. I was recently up at the lake for about 10 days and was able to get out 5 times to fish. For me the fishing was slow. Also my wife insisted she go with me because of my health(she's a...
  6. rgarbar

    Nantahala Kokanee and NC Wildlife Comm.

    Do not expect anything from NCWRC. Myself and Trollmonkey have been supplying our Kokanee and trout heads to NCWRC in place of gill netting, with fish length, day fish was caught and sex for 4 or 5 years. We have never heard a thing about the kokes or trout. This season I will return the...
  7. rgarbar

    Nantahala Kokanee and NC Wildlife Comm.

    I wrote and asked them to consider 1. Dropping the daily kokanee limit from 7 to 5 2. Obtaining breeding stock from the Nantahala Lake fish to be raised to be introduced to other lakes Like Calderwood, Fontana, wolf Creek and Bear creek Lakes. 3. Closing the Kokanee seasons October 1st...
  8. rgarbar

    Quick question on steelhead trout in North Carolina

    Caught a few 20+" and up to over 3lbs. Not much food for them at Nantahala and they don't appear to feeding on the Kokanee. I always found insects and small crustaceans in their stomachs. There are some big ones in the DH stretch of the river. Most bows I caught at Nantahala were 14" to...
  9. rgarbar

    Quick question on steelhead trout in North Carolina

    This thread is a few years old but this area is still very likely to produce some nice wild rainbows.
  10. rgarbar

    Nantahala Kokanee and NC Wildlife Comm.

    Kokanee 1960 Doc, Mark and Fred An interesting article from 1960 in North Carolina Wildlife. Look at page 19. Hope to see you all next spring! My Kokanee libido is starting to twitch! Ron
  11. rgarbar

    Nantahala Kokanee and NC Wildlife Comm.

    Doc Thanks for the report and your efforts. IMHO I feel kokanee are fairly abundant at Nantahala. I mark them all the time but the don't always bite. In their portion of the water column they have few enemies(no lake trout(Macks) pike, big brown trout etc.. I have never caught a rainbow...
  12. rgarbar

    One more trip!

    Mark Nice day with your Son and Grandson. I envy you. That big rainbow should really indoctrinate you Grandson. You seemed to have caught a few of the "class of 2016" kokes. 10" to 11" we may get some big ones(20+") next year. Did you have that pink wiggle hootchie in back of a dodger or did...
  13. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    Dog Days of Summer Sorry to beat a dead horse but after a week of family reunion deep in Yankee territory NJ:mad: I had to get some solitude on Nantahala. The fishing was typically slow and the fish were deep. The two I caught were at 61' and 66' down, the fringe range of my light duty...
  14. rgarbar

    Nantahala 7/25-8/1

    Doc Nice catch! Thanks for the info. especially the water temps. I will give Nantahala one last time this week. If I eat another salmon, I am going to start growing gill rakers. Going to pull my boat out Nantahala and do some catch and release trout fishing at peaceful Calderwood and Cheoah...
  15. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    I do tend to troll slower than most at Nantahala. I have no GPS so I have no idea how fast i am going. I do have one of those trolling plates on my motor which really can slow my boat down. Hope to ad GPS/sonar combo for the next season. Think I will give faster trolling a try on slow days.
  16. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    Fishing advise Sorry I will miss you next week as I will be out of town. The thermocline has been fluctuating I guess because of all the rain and summer generating. I have been going with blind strikes and fishing at that depth when I catch one. I do use the fish finder to locate fish as...
  17. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    Bite Still On at Nantahala Hit Nantahala Lake this morning probably for the last time for awhile. Caught 4 nice kokanee 16" to 18+". All fish were caught at the block houses by the dam. Strangely the fish were caught at about 42' down, a far cry from the 50+' down the last several times I went...
  18. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    2015 PB Kokanee Another slow day but did catch my biggest Kokanee this year. It came in shy of 19" and weighed 2 3/4 lbs. Caught it at 54' down on a chartreuse hootchie. Lost another on the way to the boat at the same depth and same lure. Will probably try one more time next week. The...
  19. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    Slow Day Finally got back on the lake after about a two week layover. The bite is still on at Nantahala but not as good as it was 2 weeks ago. The fish are deeper. Caught two at about 17" each. The fish were caught at about 52' down, both fell to a chartreuse hootchie in the Rocky Branch...
  20. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    doc Give Calderwood or cheoah a shot. Got some smaller trout but a lot of hits and fish lost on Calderwood last september. Marked a lot of fish at cheoah on a kayak/w fish finder. I am back in Fl for a week, will start fishing for kokes and report sometimes next week.