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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    Another Good Day at Nantahala Had a few good hours fishing until the wind picked up and killed the bite for me. Caught 4 kokes to 18+". Lost at least 3 on the way in and had a number of strikes. All fish were caught 42' down and green/chartreuse was the only color that saw action. The males...
  2. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    A Banner Day at Nantahala The bite was on early today and I found the fish fast not too far from the dock. Caught these 5 kokanee and lost a few others on the way in. Green/chartreuse caught the most. Lost a big "bow" and my favorite trout hootchie too a bad knot :mad: The kokes were down...
  3. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    Good Morning at Nantahala Lake Got out this morning. The action was slow for a while I looked for the fish. Marked fish in the vicinity of the dam all over the water column. Hooked up with these 2 bows and a koke. The three were down @ 32' to 42' deep. Lost another and had several...
  4. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    Quick Trip Hit the water for about 2 hours and stayed fairly close to the dock as the skies were threatening. Still a bit slow action at Nantahala. Did catch this 18" kokanee @ 2 1/4 lbs. and lost another on the way in. The fish were in the 36' to 42' water column. Blackened salmon with...
  5. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    A Pair of Dixie Kokes Hit Nantahala this morning. Nice weather for a change. Took about 2 1/2 hours to find the fish. The action picked up fast. Within an hour or so I boated 2 at about 17". Lost 2 on the way in, a had a couple of strikes as well. The fish were at 40' to 42' down in the...
  6. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    Missing Pictures These are the missing photos from the other day. The problem seemed to be that they were more than 1.0 MB. I cropped them to below 1 MB and they uploaded with no problemthumbsup.
  7. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    Harpoon Glad to see that you are still with us as the Eastern board seems dead. Hoping you are doing well at Jocassee, Glendale and Keyowee. The next 4 to 6 weeks should be prime kokanee time at Nantahala. The weather as always has been unsettling(popcorn thunderstorms and strong gusty...
  8. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    Fat Kokanee and a Skinny Walleye Hit the lake this morning. It was cold and windy(white caps) and overcast. I managed to catch one male Kokanee about 18" and one 12" skinny walleye(released). I lost another smaller Kokanee at the net. Had a lot of trouble trolling in my small boat because...
  9. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    Nantahala Bass Mark Thought that picture was taken by the dam near the flood gates/spillway but you are right it may have been taken at Calderwood and left on the camera chip. I can hook up with you some time the week of June 15th to give you the koke heads for Powell. Andrews(Ingles) would...
  10. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    Slow Day at Nantahala Went out this morning for a couple of hours. The weather was lousy(overcast, showers, downpours etc. Did manage to put one in the box and lost another in bound. Fish all over the water column. Hoping the lake will stratify soon. The thermocline is only 3 or 4' from the...
  11. rgarbar

    Is Kokanee really THAT GOOD?

    Try them on the grill Next time try them teriyaki style on the grill!tooexcited
  12. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    A Pair of Chunky Gals The weather unexpectedly cleared today so I went out this morning to fish for kokanee. The action was slow as compared to when I went out last. Two strikes, two fish on and two fish in the box. Fish are still down at about 32'. Both fish caught on green. Hope to get...
  13. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    Don't give up. It took 4 or 5 trips before I caught a koke. I still get the skunk up at Nantahala. June is a great month for catching kokes at Nantahala. Was hoping to get out this week but the pestilent weather up at the lake is cloudy, breezy, showers and thunderstorms for the next 4 or 5...
  14. rgarbar

    Fish Fingers

    These would make a great for any fisherman! laugh hyst
  15. rgarbar

    Finally, Nantahala trip is a go.

    I use downriggers with an accurate line counter with 4 to 6lb. weights to get the lures down to depth. My Fishfinders/sonar confirm the depth as well. Some use lead core line to get lures down deep but counting colors and boat speeds and lure weights make lead core a little confusing to me...
  16. rgarbar

    Finally, Nantahala trip is a go.

    There will be a hatch of large overpowered recreational boats and jet skiers tearing up and down the lake. There are usually a lot of campers the holiday weekends and the choice camp sites fill up quickly. I don't normally target walleye or small mouth at Nantahala(the skiniest walleyes I have...
  17. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    Nantahala Kokanee Mark Glad to hear that you are still hear. The eastern board has been real quiet these days. I did go out again last Wednesday. I only caught one but did lose 3 on the way to the boat and had quite a few strikes. They were hitting light and only pink 30' down. I have to...
  18. rgarbar

    Dawn in the East(Nantahala Lake)

    Finally got my boat on the water and went after some Kokanee this morning. I caught these two Kokes 30' down in the area from Shore Point to the Narrows. I marked a lot fish through out the water column in this area. Went and checked out some of my other favorite spots but found a lot of empty...
  19. rgarbar

    More downrigger questions

    Round Downrigger weights These old window weights go great with my redneck downrigger!
  20. rgarbar


    Grilled Kokanee/Trout My favorite Kokanee recipe: Good for 4 to 6 fillets. Half the ingredients for less fillets. Works on just about any type of fish. 1/4 cup of brown sugar 1/4 cup of olive oil 1/4 cup of soy sauce 2 TSP lemon pepper spice 1 TSP thyme 1 TSP Basil 1 TSP parsley 1/2...