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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. rgarbar

    West Hill Pond

    Good to hear you are alive and well Seadog. Was beginning to think you were jigging for kokes at the "pearly gates". Trollmonkey it has rained so much up here and I have not been out. Would be afraid the current would pull my boat over the floodgates and down that spillway. A lot of water is...
  2. rgarbar

    Banner Day At Nantahala Lake

    This brown trout was caught in nearby Lake Jocassee in would you believe South Carolina!
  3. rgarbar

    Surprising Kokanee "catch" from up north

    Doc When I first read this I was not signed in. I thought you had a stringer of small kokes. I have to have a can of that Kokanee beer before I die. Hoping the bite does not die off in the middle of July like last year. The weather is still a tad unseasonably cool and rainy but great for...
  4. rgarbar

    Red Hot Nantahala

    Good deal after this year's seasonal lag. Twice I had two fish on both of my rods(I don't stack) and ended up losing one. The other peeled off 150' of line while I was playing the first fish. It was quite a day. If I have another salmon filet for dinner I am going to start growing gill rakers!
  5. rgarbar

    Banner Day At Nantahala Lake

    Got back from my trip back to Florida. Hit the lake this morning and had a great day. Caught 5 kokes 16" to 18" before the storm clouds started to gather(live to fish another day). Caught them 30' to 42' down. Lost two others.
  6. rgarbar

    Feast Your Eyes On These Boys!

    Got out again for my morning koke run. Caught these 3 beauties all male. They were in the 16' to almost 18" range. All fish healthy looking and nice and plump and really fought well. Marked fish where they are supposed to be. So glad the lake has stratified and separated the warm water fish...
  7. rgarbar


    There is no season for kokes in NC. They naturally breed in several tributarys of Nantahala Lake. Nantahala is fairly large very deep lake. Until the lake stratifies the kokes can be virtualy anywhere. The lake took a long time for the thermocline to establish because of the unseasonally...
  8. rgarbar


    The bite is finally on at Nantahala Lake boys! Got out for a couple of hours this morning and caught my first kokes of the seasontooexcited. Had a couple of strikes and lost one fish on. Also got a trout. I pass the torch to Trollmonkey, 1bigfish and Doc!
  9. rgarbar

    Fish Consumption advisories

    Mark Just read in NC fish & Game that mercury warnings have been issued for Nantahala Lake and Lake Chatuge. In Chatuge it covers white bass and largemouth bass. In Nantahala it involves smallmouth bass, walleye, yellow perch and largemouth bass. No mention of trout or kokanee. Have not...
  10. rgarbar

    All Quiet On The Eastern Front?

    Mark Tried to PM you but got this error message! trollmonkey has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space Went out last Tuesday. Again no kokes. Just a 12" rainbow and I lost a decent walleye at the net. Even the trout are...
  11. rgarbar

    All Quiet On The Eastern Front?

    Mark Great catch and nice looking fish. Was going to go out for kokes today but as usual we had heavy rain and T storms in the Nantahala temperate rain forest. Plan to go out on Tuesday 6/4 for kokes. Will try the DH on the Nanty tomorrow. Hoping it is not blown out with all the rain. At...
  12. rgarbar

    All Quiet On The Eastern Front?

    The East seems pretty quiet this season. Been a cold, rainy, windy spring at Nantahala Lake. A lot trees above 4000' still have a ways to go to be in full bloom. I set out today to chase the kokes but could only boat a trout and a SM bass. Not much change from last week when I got the big...
  13. rgarbar

    New Toy For Koke War Chest

    Mark Tried to PM you but they tell me your mailbox is filled to capacity. Hope all is well with you and your family. Guess we a both getting ready for another kokanee season on Nantahala. Hope to get out for them next week. Been doing some stream fishing to get that out my blood. Let me...
  14. rgarbar

    Navionics Free Topographic Lake Maps

    Just discovered this site from Navionics. Find your state using the mouse cursur and then use the + or - buttons to zoom in on your lake. It does not have a map of every lake in your state but has quite a few. Depths are in meters.
  15. rgarbar

    New Toy For Koke War Chest

    I'm Back at Nantahala I'm Back Well boys I finally joined the annual great Eastern spring Geezer migration North. Happy to be back in the mountains again. Had a ball with that kayak fishing the local tidal and mangrove creeks back in Florida. Got to a lot of unaccessible holes loaded with...
  16. rgarbar

    Kokanee info for the Beginner and beyond

    Thanks for your time and effort. Great informative read!
  17. rgarbar

    First time kokanee fishing on Nantahala

    Sounds like Wine Spring Creek and your looking at Wine Spring Island(private). Been some reports of Kokes spawning up there! If you want some peace and quiet camp on the forestry property. Anyways there is some good koke fishing in that area and is convenient to the dam. I usually fish the...
  18. rgarbar

    First time kokanee fishing on Nantahala

    Your best bet is the Rocky Branch boat ramp. It is closer to the better Kokanee fishing waters. The Choga ramp is kind of a haul by yak(better bass fishing in that part of the lake). Wine Spring island is private, you might get chased. Little Choga island and Shore island are both on...
  19. rgarbar

    First time kokanee fishing on Nantahala

    Since Nantahala does not ice up I think you can catch kokes in the winter. The problem may be finding them as they will be all over the lake and all over the water column during the cold months mixed in with all the other fish. I have had my best sucess in the Months of May, June, and July...
  20. rgarbar

    High mercury levels in fish at the gorge

    Mark The kokes only live 4 or 5 years compared to other fish that can live much longer. Was wondering how much dangerous mercury the kokes can absorb in their short life span? I do eat a lot kokes and trout taken from the area during the summer.