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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. rgarbar

    New Toy For Koke War Chest

    Mark That movie gave me the "willies" too. Going to go up to Queens Creek Lake this weekend to test out the new fish finder and the best position for the downrigger. The wife(the old screech owl) is bringing up her yak and the grappling hooks in case this old walrus falls out of the yak...
  2. rgarbar

    New Toy For Koke War Chest

    I am considering getting a linecounter reel. However, the "old screech owl" is not going to be happy with me getting another toy. Hoping the new fishfinder will detect the 4lb cannonball and I can adjust from there.
  3. rgarbar

    New Toy For Koke War Chest

    Ended up with a Scotty 1073 bracket mount. It's compact and lightweight but has no linecounter and seems a tad flimsy but should work well on a yak. Got the portable PiranhaMax 160 fishfinder. Plan to catch one koke from it then use the yak to fish for trout Queens Creek, Cheola and...
  4. rgarbar

    New Toy For Koke War Chest

    Well I took the plunge and went out and bought a downrigger and a portable fish finder for that yak. Like any boat it just a bottomless money pit. Anyway when I die I hope my wife does not sell all my fishing stuff on Ebay for what I told her I paid for it! tongue2
  5. rgarbar

    New Toy For Koke War Chest

    Thanks for the input guys. I think a Scotty 1073 bracket mount unit might do the trick. There is a nice flat area behind the yak seat. I only plan to fish the 30 to 40' water column(thats where the kokes tend to be in May and June) and only use a 4lb. cannonball. And Mark I do worry that a...
  6. rgarbar

    New Toy For Koke War Chest

    Just bought this 12' fishing yak to add to my arsenal. I plan to mount a fishfinder and one downrigger on it. Hoping to catch at least one koke from her next spring. Will also use it to trout fish on some of the smaller local lakes instead of towing my my skiff on these steep, winding roads.
  7. rgarbar

    Last Koke of the Season

    <!-- .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { font-size: 10pt; font-family:Tahoma } --> Just pulled my boat out for the season as the power company is about to drop the level of Nantahala for dam and flood gate repairs. I envy you guys at west Hill who are still finding and...
  8. rgarbar

    Slow Koke Troll

    Try moving the beads/lure closer to the dodger. One of the dodgers functions is to give some movement to non action lures. Try the beads 8" behind the dodger and see if that helps.
  9. rgarbar

    Last Koke of the Season

    It is a Crystal Basin Wild Eye. Both the Flo red and flo green version are very effective at Nantahala especially in May and June when the fish are in the 35' to 50' depths. I usually tow a matching color Macks cha cha squider or Crystal Basin hootchie thing 8' to 12" behind the dodger. Have...
  10. rgarbar

    Last Koke of the Season

    No Koke's For Me Got out for a couple of hours today. No kokes but I did get this rainbow and a fiesty 14" smallmouth(released). Marked a couple of schools of fish deep. One at 110 feet and another at 85 feet(too deep for my equipment and my old cranking arm). Took the trout at 60 feet and...
  11. rgarbar

    New look of site and spam issues.

    Just what this old goat needs first thing in the morning. Pictures of pretty young things looking for a date. Spam gravy ain't wavy!
  12. rgarbar

    Last Koke of the Season

    Went out the other day to target the fish I mark in the upper water column(0 to 30 feet) while chasing kokes. Started to get marks in the 50 to 60 foot range. Took off my spoons and spinners and put on some kokanee terminal tackle and did manage to pick up this small koke(a visitor from West...
  13. rgarbar

    General Tso's Kokanee

    General Tso's Kokanee -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been wanting to make a General Tso's fish recipe for a long time now, but could never find one that wasn't too sweet. Finally came across a good base recipe & tweeked it a bit. Best...
  14. rgarbar

    Nantahala 2012 # 3

    Elusive Nantahala Kokes Mark We have to tell those Nantahala kokes to leave us a fowarding address or we are not going to fish for them anymore!101ok101 Ron
  15. rgarbar

    Not your typical Nantahala Kokes

    Doc Great catch and nice post. Those fish make our Nantahala kokes look like bait. I am in FL and suffering in the heat and humidity. Hope to be on the mountain in a few days for some cool dry air and a couple of small kokes!
  16. rgarbar

    Caught My First Koke

    Catching my first koke was one of the joys of my retirement. Hoping you catch many more.
  17. rgarbar

    Nice Trio Of Kokes!

    Finally got out on the lake again. Went out this morning a caught these fiesty kokes on light tackle. All were in the 16" range. The kokes have been showing a good rate of growth this year at Nantahala.
  18. rgarbar

    Last night at WH!

    This night jigging for kokes sounded great until I started to think. I would have to get a light system, probably a rod and reel designed for jigging. I would also need braded line and an anchor. Wife said101no101. The day I picked up my ball and chain is coming soon(they call it...
  19. rgarbar

    Last night at WH!

    SeaDog Great night out. Question for you. I would like to try to do some night jigging for the kokes. The problem is where I find the kokes the water runs from 130' to over 200' deep. I cannot anchor. Can you catch the kokes on a slow night drift or do have be stationary? I think Mark...
  20. rgarbar

    First 2012 koke trip!

    Doc Great to see your still lurking out there. The kokes are lucky. One pass with your setup and you probably would have your limit! Got 2 nice ones yesterday. Hoping you can make it up! Ron