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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. rgarbar

    First 2012 koke trip!

    Great catch! Hoping to be heading back to NC Sunday if TS Debby is not producing a lot of heavy rain as it is now in FL.
  2. rgarbar

    WH update +

    SeaDog! Which goes faster the rum or the smoked fillets? laugh hyst
  3. rgarbar

    Nice Pair Of "Dixie" Kokes

    Went out on my weekly koke hunt and picked up this pair. The kokes are putting on weight and length. Might see some 18 to 20 inchers yet this season!
  4. rgarbar

    Growing Fast!

    It's a landslide! NC votes for "old" SeaDog, West Hill and the lobster rolls! thumbsup
  5. rgarbar

    Good Day At Nantahala

    The rain finally stopped and I went out for a few hours. Caught 3 kokes 14" to 16",s. Also got a decent perch. Not much has changed since last week. Cold and raining at this altitude. Surface temp up to 72. The thermocline is still only 1' to 2' below the surface. Fish all over the water...
  6. rgarbar

    new to Kokanee fishing

    Chad Welcome to the forum. My advise is to get out koke fishing before you become hopelessly addicted to catching them like the rest of us! 101welcomw
  7. rgarbar

    Strange Koke

    Thanks Super D The koke I caught looked very similar to that fish while it was still alive! The spots faded quite a bit after several hours in the box. I should carry a camera with me but it would only be a matter of time before it would end up on the bottom of the lake!
  8. rgarbar

    Strange Koke

    Thanks for the reply guys. Now I know I can expect some variation in the color of the kokes as the fish I caught in the past were black or dark blue on top. By the way it sure tasted like a koke!
  9. rgarbar

    Strange Koke

    The rain stopped and the sun finally came out on Nantahala Lake. Hit the water for a few hours. Only caught one 16" "koke" but of the 35 to 40 kokes I have caught at Nantahala none looked quite like this one. As I played the fish and guided toward the boat and net I said to myself looks like...
  10. rgarbar

    Slow Day

    Mark I have not caught a trout yet this year in Nantahala Lake. I have done well in the Nantahala River, Valley River, Junaluska Creek and Tusquitte Creek. Mostly small trout(keep a few brookies for the table) and most returned to the water. Ron
  11. rgarbar

    Slow Day

    Got back out on the lake for a few hours. Slow day except for the speed of the jet skiers and power boaters(the wake form a canoe rocks my skiff). Did manage to boat one koke at 15". Surface temperature now at 74 degrees. My deptherm indicated the thermocline started only a few feet below...
  12. rgarbar

    Ohrid Trout

    Mark I would like to think the Ohrid still swims in Watauga. Similar to the brown trout it could easily be mistaken by most anglers. Watauga is a large very deep lake so who knows? Don't forget the lake trout in there as well. Did you ever get one in Watauga? Thanks for the reply. Ron
  13. rgarbar

    Ohrid Trout

    Some Ohrid Trout Info The Ohrid trout was stocked in Parvin Lake, Big Creek Reservoir, and Turquoise Lake in Colorado, in 1969 , seven lakes in northern Minnesota, including Strawberry Lake, Chester Lake, and Big Trout Lake. An unspecified locality in Montana, Watauga Reservoir and South...
  14. rgarbar

    This Koke Is For The Guy's at McChord AFB

    Finally got back to Nantahala. Still cool and unsettled weather up here. Caught one koke today. Seems they are running a bit smaller than the 18 to 20 inchers we were getting last year. A lot fish marked from the surface to about 35'. Not much marked deeper than 45'. Surface temps @ 68...
  15. rgarbar

    Ohrid Trout

    Does anyone know if Ohrid Trout are still being caught out West? I heard there was a reproducing population in a place called Pathfinder Reservoir. We had a deep local lake in nearby Tennesee that was stocked years ago but apparently the Ohrid never reproduced. The TN state record is 14+ lbs.
  16. rgarbar

    First 2012 Nantahala Lake Koke

    Good to hear fron you Doc! Sorry you can't make it this summer. If you do let us know. Me and Trollmonkey will save a few kokes for you.
  17. rgarbar

    First 2012 Nantahala Lake Koke

    Caught my first kokanee at Nantahala Lake today. Also caught a nice walleye a couple of days ago targeting the kokes. Plenty of trout in Nantahala river, the valley river and Tusquitee creek.
  18. rgarbar

    Wake up! -> it's Kokanee time!

    That's the same 1" catfish you buy at the pet store for your aquarium. They grow up to 24" in the wild down in FL. I also have to deal with big ugly softshelled turtles.
  19. rgarbar

    Wake up! -> it's Kokanee time!

    Glad to some of the regulars are starting to come out of hibernation. Got a new trolling rod and reel and made a few lures this winter. Going to try some scents this season as well. Looking to catch some good looking kokannee and trout not these ugly armored catfish that infest the waterway...
  20. rgarbar

    Pancake Downrigger Weights

    Thanks to all of you who replied. Seems these weights are a Great Lakes thing. They run in size from 8 lbs to 24 lbs. and seem reasonably priced. I too was wondering how they would track. They do have an additional hole to attach a release.