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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Drove by turner the other day and the lake is open as far as I could see from the turn about. Won't be long til the reports start I hope
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    Idaho Kokanee Tournament

    I'm in, plus I know of 4 guys I work with that have boats that want to fish too.
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    Color dont mean sheeeeeeeeiiitt

    Most of the time I fish either Lucky Peak or Arrow Rock. On both lakes pinks and greens are the "go to" colors. I rarely fish either. I don't want to be pulling what everyone else is. I want to give the fish something different. I understand that the fish can see and be attracted to...
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    Color dont mean sheeeeeeeeiiitt

    I have 37 years of fishing under my belt. I have fished all across this country. At one point in my life I had yearly non resident fishing licenses in 11 different states. I think that confidence in a particular color has a lot more to do with it than the color it's self. If it was truly the...
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    Color dont mean sheeeeeeeeiiitt

    I have come to realize that no matter what color combo I have dragging, as long as I have the correct speed, scent and size I still hook up......... Alot. Sometimes we are pulling 4 completely different rigs, except scent. Scent seems to be more important than anything. Depending on the day...
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    2013 Arrowrock Fishing Thread

    The more I fish for these land locked salmon the more I realize what I thought I knew about them is wrong. Saturday was the best day we have ever had fishing for kokes. We landed close to 30. Had probably another 15 on. We caught them on just about everything we tried. I even caught a few on my...
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    2013 Arrowrock Fishing Thread

    No one is fishing AR yet?
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    Arrowrock Update

    Haha. I made that mistake once..... Luckily between the 3 boats that I new were fishing we ended up covering it.
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    Kokanee Derby?

    How come all the other Kokeheads in other states get to have a Derby and we don't here in ID? Is there not enough interest? Or do we have one and I've never heard.
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    Strike help

    I will be fishing at Strike on Saturday in the annual Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 296 fishing derby. We fish for prizes for Bass, trout, panfish, and catfish. I know its suppose to be windy, but......... Any tips?
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    Help with Kokanee fishing

    My buddy and I have been doing pretty well lately on Lucky Peak. His boat doesn't have riggers. We use either leadcore or trolling sinkers with line counters. Dodgers and hoochies in pink, green, blue, or orange have been pretty solid lately. The kokes are between 12 and 30 ft deep. We had a...
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    2012 Lucky Peak Fishing Thread

    Fished the first bend towards ArrowRock from Spring Shores again this morning. We caught 21. Man those LP fatties really like Orange slings and Orange hoochies. And the pink sling with a pink hoochie was good too
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    2012 Lucky Peak Fishing Thread

    Launched out of Spring Shores at 630am started trolling towards the Arrow Rock dam. Started running 1oz sinkers 70 ft back and 3 colors of leadcore. Pink and clear hoochies with pink slings with the sinkers and orange hoochies with orange slings. As soon as we rounded the 1st bend we started...
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    Sturgeon at Swan

    Fished from 9am til 230pm today below Swan Falls dam with JimboJump. We were successful is getting Jim hooked up with him 1st. We hooked 4 landed 3. First 2 were in the 4' range, 3rd was in the 8' range(it was the one we didn't land) 4th one was 6'+ Funny how the big ones seem to always get...
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    Great White

    Jimbo, Let me know if you want to go tomorrow. We went on a last min trip Friday night and landed 3. 2 5-6 footers and an 8 and 1/2 footer Dan
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    Great White

    I didn't get a PM from you, I'm not sure what happened. I work Tuesday-Friday. We should plan on meeting somewhere in Kuna on Monday morning
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    Great White

    Jimbo, The river looks to be almost perfect, let me know when you can go Dan
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    Great White

    The river has been a lil high, but I catch them from now til Mid July. May and June being the best. I will keep you posted
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    Great White

    I will trade a trip with you. Ill take you sturgeon fishing, and you take me kokanee fishing. I have Saturdays, Sunday, and Mondays off. I have all the Sturgeon gear and I have some koke stuff.
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    Great White

    Went to Swan Falls today from 8am-4pm. Hooked 3 and landed 2 Sturgeon. First was a planted 4 footer 2nd was a fat 8+ footer. Probably closer to 9, but I couldn't get my tape on her tail. All three took koke heads. And yes the river is hi, almost to hi to fish