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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. oldguy43

    American Lake - 2011

    Fished tuesday, limited in 4 hours, lost quiet a few, 2 in boat....
  2. oldguy43

    American Lake - 2011

    Hope they biting that good tomorrow, taking the neighber and would like to see him catch some fish. Great report......
  3. oldguy43

    Run-N-Gun part 2

    Nice job it took my partner and myself 5 hours to get 10 fish, but old guys are always slow.
  4. oldguy43

    That Lake

    Nice fish, looks like the water was calm this weeked..
  5. oldguy43

    American Lake - 2011

    Great reports everyone, I will try a couble days this week to catch a few fish....
  6. oldguy43

    American lake

    Fished lake 7th and 8th 2 people in boat 7 fish each day on pink squid lures at 30 ft and up to 10 on the riggers
  7. oldguy43

    Northwest KFF Family Day 2011

    thanks on the come back on campgrounds I vote for late june
  8. oldguy43

    Fired Up! Part 2 Run-N-Gun

    Great report k.k
  9. oldguy43

    Deadliest Catch - American Lake edition

    That is the luck I have had all week, great one day, slow the next. Sure nice fish.
  10. oldguy43

    3/27/2011 AMERICAN lake kokanee

    Fished American march 28th. Windy and cold, 7 take downs 5 fish in boat fished down to 40 feet. green wedding ring and white corn 15 inches behind red slingblade flasher...
  11. oldguy43

    Northwest KFF Family Day 2011

    Hows camping around yale lake ?
  12. oldguy43

    5 1/2 pound kokanee

    Geat catch nice 3 fish wow
  13. oldguy43

    Can't wait to get out!

    Heading out as soon as boat gets tuned up. See you out there in my blue crestliner.. good luck
  14. oldguy43

    Can't wait to get out!

    See you out there
  15. oldguy43

    Fished Roosevelt this weekend

    How deep were you fishing Guy?
  16. oldguy43

    Roll Call

    Dave, retired, fished kokanee for 35 years, clear lake American and several others around king and pierce county that hold them and several in eastern washington, mostly troll from my Crestliner boat.
  17. oldguy43


    They catch them through the ice in eastern washington and I have caught them on lake sammanish all winter fishing for cutts ( have to release them)
  18. oldguy43

    Lake Roosvelt Campgrounds

    Sept. 23 A buddy and I were fishing Roosevelt up the Spokane arm aways and he boated a 4 lb 4 oz. Kokanee. Saw others catch kokanee of similer size.
  19. oldguy43

    American 6/5

    17 inches is a darn nice kokanee