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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. oldguy43

    Lake Stevens Derby

    What size do fish run at yale?
  2. oldguy43

    Singing Downrigger

    Singing cables do not seem to bother kokanee...
  3. oldguy43

    American 5-10-2010

    Great looking catch, looks like I will be heading there next week....
  4. oldguy43

    Couple new spinners

    nice job on your spinners, I have used that color with out any luck in the lakes that I fish here in washington..
  5. oldguy43

    Who's going fishing this weekend?

    Thanks for the tips guys. Are the fish in yale smaller?
  6. oldguy43

    Who's going fishing this weekend?

    Would like any tips on mervin. thanks