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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. B

    2012 Anderson Ranch Fishing Thread

    No, have not been out since August. Been Elk and Deer hunting.
  2. B

    Canning Kokes Instructions

    I remove the head and tail. The take the knife and cut the bottom fins and belly off. You can easily remove the inners this way. After cleaning (Keep scales on), I brine for 24 hours. Then I smoke them whole for 3-4 hours (3-4 pans of chips). I make up a canning sollution of 12 tbls of olive...
  3. B

    2012 Anderson Ranch Fishing Thread

    Fished Anderson 2 weeks ago, just before all the fires got real bad. We caught 19. Fished Driggers at 55ft. Lead was out 5 colors. Hooked up trips several times. No size at all. Biggest was 12". Small needle fish was the winner, no dodger, just needle fish with 10' 4lb leader. Caught some on...
  4. B

    2012 Anderson Ranch Fishing Thread

    Thanks for the fishing info at Anderson. Finially got my boat back from the shop. Go figure, we are now headed for the N. Calif./S.Oregon coast for Salmon fishing. I guess the Kokes will have to wait until after the 4th of July. Need to get more smoked and canned. Boy they go quick! Good Luck All!
  5. B

    2012 Anderson Ranch Fishing Thread

    I have been aching to go. Kicker has a bad seal and the shop has it. Yes....slow motion this time of year! We were thinking about taking the little boat tomorrow. My past thread talked about the fishing being great! I would guess it would be the same. Brined, Smoked and Canned all we caught...
  6. B

    2012 Anderson Ranch Fishing Thread

    Fished Anderson this last week. Came home with 64 2 days fishing. Have been canning since. Looks like it will be a good year! Caught 6 over 15". Was really after the little guys for canning. Caught 2 Bulls and 1 rainbow. Downriggers (38 to 55 ft) and lead (5 colors). Pink hoochies. Best lure of...