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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. 1

    Trolling flies

    I'm in a yak and like trolling flies deep for Kokes. Anyone have a preference more specific than using something loud and obnoxious?
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    West Hill Up-Date 6/22/2014

    Hey guys. I'm a kayaker too and just wanted to say hello. I won't be fishing west hill until this fall, but I did manage to try it twice earlier this spring. Killed the trout the first trip and had one Koke hit on the 2nd trip that convinced me that I needed a better fly reel and also bought...
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    Newbie from CT in a Kayak

    thanks. I actually emailed the state and they responded that they actually stocked much more than that this year, although all very small, but at least it should be good for years to come. I didn't know about that third lake, so thanks for that.
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    My NEW jigging rig

    A 1/64 jig? are you using ultra light equipment? I have some Sierras that are 1/32 and 4lb test line and they almost float! How are you fishing them? Not deep i'll assume.
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    Ct. new regs to come

    i just hit East Twin last Thursday trolling a red wooly bugger on some fast sinking wet line from a kayak. Killed the trout with it but only have 1 Kokanee strike, and all that did (besides making me a fan for life) was reveal the deficiencies of my reel. I picked red because I thought the...
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    Newbie from CT in a Kayak

    Actually, i did some research and there are two lakes currently being stocked in CT. They only get to 14 -15" max around here, which is a fair bit smaller than what I see being posted on this site, but I'm still looking forward to them.
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    Newbie from CT in a Kayak

    Hello to All: I'm new to the site and somewhat new to Kokanee fishing. I have an opportunity to fish East Twin Lake in NW CT coming up, and while there may be few fish (the state stopped stocking them recently), I'm looking forward to giving it a try. Has anyone fished it? I fish all...