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  1. B

    2013 Arrowrock Fishing Thread

    Hi Sawtooth, Thanks a lot for the info. Nah...I hadn't meant to fish for them, just thought it would be fun to show my wife the red fish going up the river. Thanks again, Budreaux
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    2013 Arrowrock Fishing Thread

    Can anyone tell me when the spawning Kokanee head on up the Boise River? Or have they already gone. I drove up there yesterday and saw an eagle eating one on the bank about a mile west of Willow Creek campground. Thanks for any info you might have. Bud
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    2013 Lucky Peak Fishing Thread

    Hi JTM, The Chamberlains sound great...I've ordered two of them, directly from I expect I'll get a couple of the stackers, as well, but primarily to allow me to fish two lines from the same downrigger. (When I have a second fisher in the boat.) Thanks again! Bud
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    2013 Lucky Peak Fishing Thread

    So does anyone know if there's a store in town (or nearby) that carry the Chamberlain Release Clip? I can't wait to give it a try! Bud
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    2013 Lucky Peak Fishing Thread

    I will definitely give it a try. Hi, JTM. Thanks for the tip about the Chamberlain Release. I looked it up online and it seems to be pretty slick. Seems a bit spendy, but if it works as well as the ads say it will, very much worth it! Thanks again! Bud
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    2013 Lucky Peak Fishing Thread

    Lucky Peak 7/26/13 Got on the water at 8:00 AM (had meant to get there earlier) and caught one at 8:15 AM, a few hundred yards towards the nursery from the eastern ramp. Using a pinkish hootchie at 25 ft. Had a few strikes over the next hour but no hook-ups. Switched to a red/orange kokabow on...