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  1. UncleLucas

    2020 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Report

    I used to have great success in some of the central Oregon lakes casting a jig behind the boat and jigging it horizontally while trolling. That has yet to work for me here.
  2. UncleLucas

    2020 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Report

    Fished a few hours Thursday evening and caught one koke. Fished all day Friday and landed 8 kokes, 1 trout, and 1 bull trout. All fish were caught in the top 20 ft of water and color didnt seem to matter. Lots of boats on the water Friday!
  3. UncleLucas

    2020 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Report

    Curlew open Fished Friday from 1030-6. Caught 4, lost one and had three takedowns that didn't stick. Fished Saturday from 8-330. Only caught two kokes and one 16" chinook. Smallest koke was 17"and largest 18.5" and fat!! Fish were extremely hard to find. However the ones I did mark seemed...
  4. UncleLucas

    2020 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Report

    You bet. I'm headed down in the am for two days. I will give a better report when I get home. I've seen pics of 21+ inch fish already. Should be another epic year!
  5. UncleLucas

    2020 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Report

    There is some below also but it look thin and there are narrow spots where I'm sure you could push through.
  6. UncleLucas

    2020 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Report

    Curlew It looks like the ramp at curlew is open enough for a 4wd. There is some ice at the upper end but it seems like there are some places you could push through it. I'm gonna give it a go tomorrow.
  7. UncleLucas

    2020 Lucky Peak Reservoir Kokanee Report

    Saturday 2-22-2020 Fished from 1030-4 mostly around gooseneck bay. Downright pleasant day after the thermal winds quit blowing. I caught 1 nice chinook 19 inches, 1 nice rainbow and 1 dink koke. Released all three. 40 ft with pink and green. All three hit when boat was barely moving. 1mph or less.
  8. UncleLucas

    2019 Lucky Peak Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    Nice fish!!! I could've used those on Saturday.
  9. UncleLucas

    2019 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    7-26-19 --- 7-27-19 Fished friday from noon to 830. We ended up with 17 kokes and 1 trout. 30-45 ft deep and green was the best color. We participated in the tourney Saturday fishing from 7am to 1pm. We got 11 and turned in our best 6. 1st place was 14.9 pounds and 10th place was 11.4. Our 6...
  10. UncleLucas

    2019 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    Kokanee tournament Headed down in the am. Good luck to all participating in the tournament this weekend. A big thanks to Chris and fall creek resort for putting it on. Will post results when we get home.
  11. UncleLucas

    2019 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    I really don't have an answer for the leader length/time of year. I will say this year seems to have been off for me and seems like many others. It's been an inconsistent bite with preferred colors changing several times in one day. We marked fish all day on Saturday throughout the entire lake...
  12. UncleLucas

    2019 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    Try adjusting the settings on your finder. It took me quite a while to figure mine out and if the setting aren't just right I won't see anything either. As far as leader length, some of mine are shorter and some longer 12-24 inches. It depends on the day. Most people use shoepeg corn with some...
  13. UncleLucas

    2019 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    Saturday 7-20-19 We fished from 7 am to 430 pm launching at curlew. Started at the upper end and fished down to powerlines and back. We managed 18 kokes, 1 trout, and 1 smallmouth bass. 35 -40 ft on downrigger and longline with 3 oz weight and 55 ft out were both good. Green, orange and pink...
  14. UncleLucas

    2019 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    Saturday 7/13/2019 We fished from 7am-5pm launching from the dam for a change. Had some bites and caught one near the snowman in the am. The bite picked up mid day in the large bay between powerlines and the narrows. We managed to keep 17 and threw back 6 or so in the 12" range. Nice average...
  15. UncleLucas

    2019 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    Thank you to everyone for the updates. We are headed down on Saturday and will post results when we get home.
  16. UncleLucas

    2019 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    Two years ago we absolutely killed em up there and my parents helped me can a bunch. That will keep forever. I have got in the routine of fileting and smoking them. I eat some, share some and the vaccum seal and freeze the rest.
  17. UncleLucas

    2019 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    6-27-19---6-28-19 I would like to reiterate basically everything kokaneekevin had to say. We fish yesterday(thur) from 10am-8pm and ended up with 19. Then we fished today from 7am-12:30 and caught 18. A hot bite this am. We caught 7 fish in 30 minutes then it died way off. We caught fish from...
  18. UncleLucas

    2019 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    Saturday 6-22-2019 Fished from 7am-6pm. We caught 21 and lost a handful. All in all pretty slow day for us. A random fish here and there all day. Orange was the winner with pink close second. 20-40 ft on downrigger and longline had best action with 2oz weight and 70ft line out. Caught fish from...
  19. UncleLucas

    2019 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    Happy Fathers day! Took dad out yesterday. We fished from 630am-5pm. We caught fish from curlew down to the powerlines. Pink variants were the only thing working for us at 25ft deep. Pretty steady but slow bite all day. We ended up with 14 and lost probably twice that many. For some reason the...