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  1. Drifterdon

    Lake Washington kokes?

    Has anyone been fishing Lake Washington lately? I know they are there and can be kept up to 15" but this lake doesn't get many reports.
  2. Drifterdon

    Washington Lakes Fame!!

    I saw it. Maybe you will have a bigger part in the next movie :-) Even the biggest stars had to start somewhere.
  3. Drifterdon

    Bodega Bay - Big Pink Meat

    Wow, Nice going Dave
  4. Drifterdon

    Between the camp and the canner

    I will look for your brine recipe but it looks like the brown suger brine I use for smoking Kings or Silvers.
  5. Drifterdon

    Between the camp and the canner

    Thanks again Dave, That process sounds great.
  6. Drifterdon

    Between the camp and the canner

    Thanks Dave for the quick reply. Waiting for enough to make the canning process worthwhile is what I want to do also but wasn't sure if freezing the fish first was advisable or not. Now i have to go find some other thing to worry about I guess :-) Don
  7. Drifterdon

    Between the camp and the canner

    How do you guys keep your Koke's after cleaning and before getting ready to can them? Every time I go with my brother-in-law, we end up cleaning then vacuum sealing the catch and into the freezer it goes. I really want to try some of DuperD's canning recipes, but am sort of weary of canning...
  8. Drifterdon

    Riffe 15 June 13

    How are the fish now? I thought worms were an issue earlier in the year.
  9. Drifterdon

    show of support

    Dan, Your wife and family are in my prayers.
  10. Drifterdon

    Point Defiance Coho 09-08-12

    Great report Thanks
  11. Drifterdon

    point defiance last Saturday

    Great report. Thank you
  12. Drifterdon

    My biggest KOKANEE

    Same from me
  13. Drifterdon

    Smokercraft Pro Tracer 162

    Maybe it sold.
  14. Drifterdon

    Smokercraft Pro Tracer 162

    I'm just starting to research and probably won't pull the trigger until next year. I do like the boat you picked above and the cost is in the ballpark but one other thing I need to be mindful of is something that can go in my garage. Depth isn't so much the issue as height and width.
  15. Drifterdon

    Smokercraft Pro Tracer 162

    Thanks Dave, Your input is appreciated. Being retired now I am trying to stay within my budget but I know there are a lot of used boats available. Iwill indeed look at 18's also
  16. Drifterdon

    Smokercraft Pro Tracer 162

    Anyone here have one of these? How do you like it? Don
  17. Drifterdon

    Going to Riffe

    Good luck. The weather sure is great for it
  18. Drifterdon

    Samish GREAT start

    Great video
  19. Drifterdon

    American Lake 4/28/2012

    It will be more fun when it gets a little drier out there.
  20. Drifterdon

    Roosevelt Lake

    Yep, Too low at Two rivers to launch.