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  1. terek

    2018 Arrowrock Reservior Kokanee Fishing Report

    welcome :) it was pretty nice last weekend. I think its more of smoothed out from the rain storms we have been having and people driving on it every day. They will grade it for real in the spring. Its a nice change compared to previous years, at this time of year. typically you have to drive...
  2. terek

    2018 Lucky Peak Reservior Kokanee Fishing Report

    I keep hearing "gooseneck bay" and "charcoal bay" and have no idea what ya'll are talking about. Can I get some enlightenment????
  3. sunday 1/28/18

    sunday 1/28/18

  4. terek

    2018 Lucky Peak Reservior Kokanee Fishing Report

    sunday 1/28/18 went out sunday, and fished from 2 to 515. Landed 2 trout and 2 kokes. Super windy, made it hard to keep a good speed. Trout were at 15 feet, and the kokes were at 8 ft. Everything is still pretty spread out, not much action on the fish finder. Water was 38*
  5. terek

    2018 Arrowrock Reservior Kokanee Fishing Report

    Good to know. Was thinking of loading up right now and head up, but I doubt I'd make it with a 8000 pound boat
  6. terek

    2018 Arrowrock Reservior Kokanee Fishing Report

    slow day sunday. fished from 10 to 2 and landed 4 total. fished every color I got at 10, 15, 20, and 25
  7. terek

    2018 Arrowrock Reservior Kokanee Fishing Report

    laugh hyst will do, we will be in a 23' blue enclosed jet boat. Hows the water level? is the regular launch in the water? Boat is a little big to launch in the sand, or at the super low water launch
  8. terek

    2018 Arrowrock Reservior Kokanee Fishing Report

    I saw a post on facebook by kokabo tackle, and they were out last weekend. They didn't say how many, but did say they did good on the kokes and trout. I'm headed up tomorrow to test out my new downrigger set up.
  9. terek

    2017 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    Fishing has slowed way down. Only came home with 29 this weekend. 90% were at 50 feet. Pink of course. They are turning red fast. Let 5-6 go because they were all the way turned. Not much time till they aren't edible. My last trip to Anderson until deer season starts.
  10. terek

    2017 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    how funny. I have been fishing for kokes at Anderson for years. Have caught hundreds of kokes, dozens of chinook, and a few bulls. But NEVER a rainbow. Actually, this is the first year I have got a pike minnow. Just the one though
  11. terek

    2017 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    Best trip to anderson in years Went up to Anderson for the weekend, and came home with 72 kokes. 44 on Saturday, and we got 27 sunday, and left about 11. Yesterday morning they were slamming. Running 4 downriggers, I never stopped baiting and setting for the first 2 hours. Sunday morning was...
  12. terek

    2017 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    we started yesterday morning at around 7, and had 27 koks by 11. Most were caught deep into lime creek, almost around the corner. It was sketchy, but we had the most luck in the shallows, running the downriggers 5-10 feet off the bottom. Radar screen was loaded in these areas.
  13. terek

    2017 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    Anyone know why curlew dock isn't in the water? Not only is it not in the water, it's in the parking lot taking up a bunch of trailer parking spots. Causing a ton of people including me, to have to park on the side of the freeway. Kinda pissed me off, since I pay them quite a bit to park and...
  14. terek

    2017 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    I have never tried long lining with a dodger. Have to give it a whirl tom
  15. terek

    2017 Lucky Peak Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    We didn't get any bites straight across from the marina most of them were just around the corner in between across from the marina and that little Bay down the ways
  16. terek

    2017 Lucky Peak Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    It was pretty slow. We started at 6, and didn't get a bite until about 7:30. I was trying every color at every depth from 15 to 30 ft long line didn't get a single bite and most of our bikes were at either 15 or 20 ft. Ended up Landing to Kokanee. Both Kokanee are starting to get a red tinge to...
  17. terek

    2017 Lucky Peak Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    That's odd that you were seeing it here I just recently got off of the Kokanee Fishing Forum Facebook page because it's full of a bunch of douchebags but I have only seen one a****** on this actual site last year and he got kicked
  18. terek

    2017 Lucky Peak Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    That was a different guy. I saw him as well. Same boat, but a bit newer. I did get new canvas top and Windows done, but still the same tan color. With blue trim
  19. terek

    2017 Lucky Peak Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    hit up LP on Monday from 6 to 11. the bite was hot for the first 2 hours, then slowed. Managed to boat 3 trout, 3 koks, and 3 chinook. Kind of odd how many chinooks we are catching this year. We got them on orange, in between 25-35 feet. Everything on the stacked lines at 15 feet were the trout...
  20. terek

    2017 Lucky Peak Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

    a 4 foot leader from flasher to spinner!?!?!? Nice try buddy, you would never catch any koks like that. The shorter the better, 6 to 12 inches. Some people that are less experienced actually read these comments and take them to just stop that......