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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. HappyHooker

    Lucky Peak/Arrowrock report.

    Last Sat. 3/4/09 a friend and I headed out to Lucky Peak fishing. We launched at Spring Shores and trolled that area with no luck. We went up by the dam to Arrowrock and fished there also with no luck. After three or four hours of fishing with no love and not many suspended fish showing up on...
  2. HappyHooker

    Anderson Ranch Reservoir

    When you do make it out to Anderson, or L.P. for that matter let us know how it goes. I've fished the south fork of the Boise below the dam a couple of times (attempting fly fishing with no luck). Both times I've wondered if I wouldn't have been better off bringing the boat and fishing...
  3. HappyHooker

    Lucky Peak 2009

    Well maybee I should have just fished lucky peak when I headed up to Arrowrock yesterday. I drove past spring shore on my way and it looked like a nice area to troll, I have never fished there (fairly new to the area). Thanks for the report, I'm glad to hear they are starting to bite.
  4. HappyHooker

    Arrowrock 3/28/09

    Well a friend and I headed out to Arrowrock Sat. for the first real fishing trip of the year. we launched the boat at around 8:00 am and began trolling in the vicinity of the ramp to the dam. It was overcast with calm winds and the water temp was 38. The only thing hitting was rainbow trout...