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  1. stickfisher

    Kokanee Plants?

    So is the Whatcom Hatchery to be shut down? Or will the fry from Roosevelt be used for other lakes in its basin? I still haven't heard back from WDFW. At least I'll have a year or two of good fishing left.
  2. stickfisher

    Kokanee Plants?

    I see the lake got 64K in 2007, 20K in 2008, 15K in 2009, and 0 in 2010. I had a great year fishing there this summer. It looks like future years I may not be as successful.
  3. stickfisher

    Kokanee Plants?

    Thanks! I thought I saw it in there. The lake is Lake Padden.
  4. stickfisher

    Kokanee Plants?

    Does WDFW put out a list of kokanee plants like they do for trout? I heard the lake I fish might not be getting any fish this year.