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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. Pounder

    Total Beginner - Trolling Question

    Speaking for myself, i'll fish in a mud puddle if you tell me one is in there.....LOL! I fish for all speicies But every one is'nt as talented as I! HA HA HA....I wish that was the case We have a pretty good bass fishing here as well. Small mouth bass is one of my Favorite summer fish, lots...
  2. Pounder

    Boats, Boats, Boats

    Mine is a TipiCanoe
  3. Pounder

    When to use the various types of line

    I use the .99 line in what ever color they
  4. Pounder

    Total Beginner - Trolling Question

    I used a Bow mount on my 16' Fiberglass and the Troll Speed was awsome, the only Prob. was it would run out of Battery before I was done fishing....started taking to Batteries to the lake...LOL