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    new "non kokanee" boat

    Again, very nice and enjoy it!
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    new "non kokanee" boat

    Very nice. Until I have my present boat my dad and I decked his drift boat out with downriggers and used that for a season
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    Kokanee Nation

    And thank goodness for DVR!!
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    Wounded Warrior Fishing Program

    I should Clarify, I can only take 1 as my two boys would love to be apart of that and I would want that.
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    First spending spree of the season.

    Nice little shopping spree. I swear Sportco is like Costco, you can't get out of there without spending 50 bucks or more.. Maybe Ill see you out on American soon!
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    Wounded Warrior Fishing Program

    I would be more than willing to help out. I could only take 1 person though with my small boat. My only condition is that I can't do it on Sundays. If is possibly can be on a Saturday, I would LOVE to participate.
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    A different approach to catching early season kokanee

    SilverBullets - There are a few guys I know that fish just the bare red hooks. I know it works because when Lake Washington has a sockeye season all you use is a dodger and bare hooks. I agree , I couldn't justify using bare hooks with all the other crap on my boat.
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    A different approach to catching early season kokanee

    Thank you for that great information. I have always thought to use those as it seems those are what I find in the Kokanee's stomach.
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    Palmer Lake limit reduced

    Thank you for the information! It is sad, but hopefully with the change we can get it back to where it was.
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    Boats, Boats, Boats

    Thats a kokanee killing machine!!
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    Palmer Lake limit reduced

    Smalma- I am trying to verify that as well
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    Palmer Lake limit reduced

    Management at its best. I guess at least they are trying something. I can see your point that people will throw the smaller fish away for the larger ones, which will affect the smaller fish.
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    Palmer Lake limit reduced

    I heard that it might be reduced by 2 fish to 3 fish. Anyways, it is because everyone was catching too many. Would still be a good tine
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    Storage...Lets see what you've come up with

    thumbsup Very nice!! You look very organized.
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    Storage...Lets see what you've come up with

    Very nice. I have been trying to decide how to organize. This is what I have settled on so far. This bag holds all my dodgers in the front pocket and the main compartment is the second picture, but there are two Plano boxes that sit ontop.
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    Kokanee Nation

    Starts March 17th
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    Kokanee Nation

    FYI - There is a radio station here in Washington KJR that has a Saturday morning radio show called Northwest Wild Country. They are starting a 13 week program called Kokanee Nation. They are going to be discussing all things kokanee. There are several ways to watch/listen.. On the internet...
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    Lake Meridian/Lake Sawyer

    Its my understanding that Meridian has Kokanee, Riffe outside of mossyrock has Land locked Silvers..
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    Fishin with Kokonuts

    Very nice.. Thanks for the report and Great pic!