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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. R

    Walleye Worm Harness

    The second one seems to be the best one as it has the mangled hook
  2. R

    If you could only have one scent.

    sorry I already answered this
  3. R

    When does kokanee fishing start in california

    what i noticed in the past from Berry is that it usually doesn't start getting good for Kokanee until Jun. April is good for the kings though.
  4. R

    Yarn balls for Kokanee?

    Yes I have used them. But not as yarn balls. My wife named them aliens. I have a bigger version for larger salmon. I have caught Kokes on them but bottom line they do not do as good as most lures.
  5. R

    If you could only have one scent.

    That is correct. The are in the fish section in the freezer. I use three cubes in about half a can on corn. I drain the corn and then put them on a few paper towels to get the liquid out without rinsing them. I then smash the daphnia with the mortar and pestle. They are like very small...
  6. R

    If you could only have one scent.

    I like to use daphnia. I us a mortar and pestle to smash up frozen sterilized daphnia (hikari bio pure brand) and let is soak into the corn. I make it at least a little over 24 hours before using it fishing. I am sold.
  7. R

    Kokanee Taste?

    Tastes just a little more fishy. Scales are being absorbed and the blood is changing to help in the spawn run. If this is a problem then you should bleed your late kokanee when you catch them and the problem is solved. Thing thing that I get frustrated with the late Kokanee is that the meat is...
  8. R

    Boat voltage on downriggers

    I was going to say the same thing. They are also called sacrificial plates or anodes. As they get old they will cause a charge on the hull of the boat that can translate to other things like the DR.
  9. R

    New Melones Kokanee and trout Fishermen

    I find it strange that NM is now hitting on Pink, orange and white. I have not fished there in several years as I have moved south with my job. But some time back NM was always a "Green" lake. Back then what ever was hitting was hitting in greens.
  10. R

    Yet another dumb question - hoochies

    hoochie is a squid looking tube of many different colors. Go to google click on image and type in hoochie lure. (Make sure to add the lure part or you will get a lot of the other kind of hoochie).
  11. R

    my #1 and #2 kok rigs

    nice. I have not had a lot of luck with orange but the one on the right looks a lot like one I made. I have nothing even close to those dodgers though. I have to ask is it your number 1 and number 2 because they produce more fish or is like me most of the time, Favorites because you like them...
  12. R

    Are Black Lures effective?

    Good eye. There is a drop off of hits around 10am. I think it is due the the water warming causing a drop off of O2. This will cause the fish to me more lethargic. At the drop off of hits I will drop the DR lower and extend the distance from dodger to reduce the action some. I have had some...
  13. R

    Are Black Lures effective?

    The combo on the left I have had a lot of luck with. Yes black dodger. As you can see there is not a lot of the legs left on that one. If the black does not work I go way the other direction with white and pink.
  14. R

    100' rule

    Never heard this rule but I do set back closer the further down I am. Even closer if I deiced to user flashers on the DR ball. No use having DR flashers if your setback is more than 10-15 feet.
  15. R

    Greatest rock bands

    old Ritchie Blackmore, Ted Nugent and Ronnie Montrose (may he rest in peace).
  16. R

    Storage...Lets see what you've come up with

    When you said storage I thought that I was going to show off my camping & fishing cabinet that I made. As far as my fishing bag I showed it on this post. Oh what the heck I am proud of what I made. So this is where I keep...
  17. R

    New way to fan a hoochie

    I have a lot of problems with melting in my tackle bag. One of the things that increased the melting was "dipping" them. Have you had the same problem after using this product?
  18. R

    Good setups from the derbies

    Metal Manipulator and Kokonuts you ideas sound great but some pictures would be nice also so I am sure I have the right idea in my head. HiTech I assure you it is and optical illusion. I have 9" to 10" on my tubes. Just look at the grout lines in the tile. they are about 5" by 5". The button...
  19. R

    Good setups from the derbies

    For a tackle bag I use this. It is an old camcorder bag that the camcorder became useless a long time ago. And for keeping the lures in a less of a tangle I use this setup. The pink stuff was a pool toy that I bought from PayLess years ago. I have been cutting chunks off it ever since. I...
  20. R

    Good setups from the derbies

    The last two weekends I participated in two derbies. The first on the 4th was at Don Pedro and the second was at Berryessa. Since some of you asked I thought I would show some of the stuff I use. At the first derby these are the combos that I had the best luck with. Since some of you asked I...